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bash PO file typos/query

From: Clytie Siddall
Subject: bash PO file typos/query
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 00:17:24 +0930

Hello :)

I have just translated the file bash-3.2 for the Translation Project. In doing so, I've encountered the following typos, which I thought you might like to weed out in a future release.

1. duplicate word

#: builtins/caller.def:133
msgid "Without EXPR, returns returns \"$line $filename\".  With EXPR,"

- returns returns
+ returns

2. split strings

Split strings are not good i18n practice. This is because different languages have different sytax, so we can't produce accurate translations that fit the overall sentence. Please combine split strings into complete strings, and use line-breaks or other layout measures to deal with display limitations.


#: builtins/caller.def:133
msgid "Without EXPR, returns returns \"$line $filename\".  With EXPR,"
msgstr ""

#: builtins/caller.def:134
msgid "returns \"$line $subroutine $filename\"; this extra information"
msgstr ""

#: builtins/caller.def:135
msgid "can be used used to provide a stack trace."
msgstr ""


#: builtins/caller.def:137
msgid "The value of EXPR indicates how many call frames to go back before the"
msgstr ""

#: builtins/caller.def:138
msgid "current one; the top frame is frame 0."


#: builtins/pushd.def:663
msgid "Display the list of currently remembered directories. Directories"
msgstr ""

#: builtins/pushd.def:664
msgid "find their way onto the list with the `pushd' command; you can get"
msgstr ""

#: builtins/pushd.def:665
msgid "back up through the list with the `popd' command."
msgstr ""


#: builtins/pushd.def:667
msgid "The -l flag specifies that `dirs' should not print shorthand versions"
msgstr ""

#: builtins/pushd.def:668
msgid "of directories which are relative to your home directory. This means"
msgstr ""

#: builtins/pushd.def:669
msgid "that `~/bin' might be displayed as `/homes/bfox/bin'. The -v flag"
msgstr "'"

#: builtins/pushd.def:670
msgid "causes `dirs' to print the directory stack with one entry per line,"
msgstr ""

#: builtins/pushd.def:671
msgid "prepending the directory name with its position in the stack. The -p"
msgstr ""

#: builtins/pushd.def:672
msgid "flag does the same thing, but the stack position is not prepended."
msgstr ""


#: builtins/pushd.def:675
msgid "+N displays the Nth entry counting from the left of the list shown by"
msgstr ""

#: builtins/pushd.def:676
#: builtins/pushd.def:679
msgid "     dirs when invoked without options, starting with zero."
msgstr ""


#: builtins/pushd.def:678
msgid ""
"-N displays the Nth entry counting from the right of the list shown by"
msgstr ""

(presumably combines with another string)


#: builtins/pushd.def:684
msgid "Adds a directory to the top of the directory stack, or rotates"
msgstr ""

#: builtins/pushd.def:685
msgid "the stack, making the new top of the stack the current working"
msgstr ""

#: builtins/pushd.def:686
msgid "directory. With no arguments, exchanges the top two directories."
msgstr ""


#: builtins/pushd.def:688
msgid "+N   Rotates the stack so that the Nth directory (counting"
msgstr ""

#: builtins/pushd.def:689
msgid "     from the left of the list shown by `dirs', starting with"
msgstr ""

#: builtins/pushd.def:690
#: builtins/pushd.def:694
msgid "     zero) is at the top."
msgstr ""


#: builtins/pushd.def:692
msgid "-N   Rotates the stack so that the Nth directory (counting"
msgstr ""

#: builtins/pushd.def:693
msgid "     from the right of the list shown by `dirs', starting with"
msgstr ""

(again, presumably combines with another string)


#: builtins/pushd.def:696
msgid "-n suppress the normal change of directory when adding directories"
msgstr ""

#: builtins/pushd.def:697
msgid "     to the stack, so only the stack is manipulated."
msgstr ""


#: builtins/pushd.def:699
msgid "dir  adds DIR to the directory stack at the top, making it the"
msgstr ""

#: builtins/pushd.def:700
msgid "     new current working directory."
msgstr ""


#: builtins/pushd.def:707
msgid "Removes entries from the directory stack.  With no arguments,"
msgstr ""

#: builtins/pushd.def:708
msgid "removes the top directory from the stack, and cd's to the new"
msgstr ""

#: builtins/pushd.def:709
msgid "top directory."
msgstr ""


#: builtins/pushd.def:711
msgid "+N   removes the Nth entry counting from the left of the list"
msgstr ""

#: builtins/pushd.def:712
msgid " shown by `dirs', starting with zero. For example: `popd +0'"
msgstr "

#: builtins/pushd.def:713
msgid "     removes the first directory, `popd +1' the second."
msgstr ""


#: builtins/pushd.def:715
msgid "-N   removes the Nth entry counting from the right of the list"
msgstr ""

#: builtins/pushd.def:716
msgid " shown by `dirs', starting with zero. For example: `popd -0'"
msgstr ""

#: builtins/pushd.def:717
msgid "     removes the last directory, `popd -1' the next to last."
msgstr ""


#: builtins/pushd.def:719
msgid "-n suppress the normal change of directory when removing directories"
msgstr ""

#: builtins/pushd.def:720
msgid ""

(p) The rest of the PO file from this string:

msgid "`alias' with no arguments or with the -p option prints the list"

is just about all split strings, so I don't have time to quote them all. Please fix them. Split strings are a very messy way to communicate information, especially in translation.

3. split plurals strings

#: builtins/help.def:108
msgid "Shell commands matching keywords `"

#: builtins/help.def:110
msgid "Shell commands matching keyword `"

Please use the gettext plurals feature, because most languages do _not_ have the same number of plurals as English.


#: redir.c:155
#, c-format
msgid "cannot create temp file for here document: %s"

- here document
+ this document


5. Incoherent

msgid ""
"The if COMMANDS are executed. If the exit status is zero, then the then"

This is one of the many split strings mentioned in 2(p), but it looks like it also might be confused at the end.

- then the then


However, fixing up all those split strings will undoubtedly solve this problem as well.


I hope this is useful. Good luck with everything. :)

Clytie Siddall
Vietnamese Free-Software Translation Team

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