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Colorizing PS4... needing PS4_AFTER ?

From: Frank Lin PIAT
Subject: Colorizing PS4... needing PS4_AFTER ?
Date: Sun, 22 Nov 2009 17:31:51 +0100


I wish I could use PS4 to colorize debugging lines, like:
  PS4='\033[37m+ '
But I need to reset the color at the end of the line. I wish there were
a similar variable to be able to reset the ansi code at the end of the
line, like

Do you know a hack to reset color at the end of each debug line ?

FYI, my current hack is:

# in bashrc:
export PS4='+\302\240'
alias shdebugpipe='sed  -e "s/^+\o302\o240.*/\x1b[37m\0\x1b[0m/"'

# then invoke script with:
bash -x ./foo.sh 2>&1  | shdebugpipe

(I replaced the regular space with a non-breakable space[1] in PS4 to
avoid highlighting script output. The one I am using is little bit more
complex. it uses BOM[2] instead of NBSP):

# in bashrc:
export PS4='\357\273\277#$LINENO:'
alias shdebugpipe='sed  -e "s/^\o357\o273\o277.*/\x1b[37m\0\x1b[0m/"'


(Please CC me, I am not subscribed to this list).

[1] NBSP: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-breaking_space
[2] BOM: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte_order_mark

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