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please can you help me

From: Klaus Sandner
Subject: please can you help me
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2010 07:23:09 +0100

the debugger don't start

What can I do

here the protokoll 

gtk-update-icon-cache                  ssh-keygen
gtk-window-decorator                   ssh-keyscan
gucharmap                              ssh-vulnkey
gufw                                   st4topgm
gvfs-cat                               start_embedded
gvfs-copy                              startkde
gvfs-info                              start_kdeinit
gvfs-less                              start_kdeinit_wrapper
gvfs-ls                                start-pulseaudio-x11
gvfs-mkdir                             startx
gvfs-monitor-dir                       stat
gvfs-monitor-file                      strace
gvfs-mount                             stream
gvfs-move                              strfile
gvfs-open                              strings
gvfs-rename                            strip
gvfs-rm                                sudo
gvfs-save                              sudoedit
gvfs-set-attribute                     sum
gvfs-trash                             su-to-root
gvfs-tree                              svgakeymap
gview                                  sweeper
gvim                                   sxw2txt
gvimdiff                               synclient
gvimtutor                              syndaemon
gzip.xnc                               syslinux
h2ph                                   syslinux2ansi
h2xs                                   system-config-lvm
hal-device                             system-config-printer
hal-disable-polling                    system-config-printer-applet
hal-find-by-capability                 systemsettings
hal-find-by-property                   tabs
hal-get-property                       tac
hal-is-caller-locked-out               tail
hal-lock                               tap2deb
hal-set-property                       tap2rpm
hcitool                                tapconvert
hd                                     tasksel
head                                   taskset
HEAD                                   tbl
help2txt                               tclsh
helpztags                              tclsh8.4
hexdump                                tee
hexedit                                telnet
hexeditor                              telnet.netkit
hipercdecode                           Terminal
hipstopgm                              tesseract
host                                   test
hostid                                 testparm
hosts-manager                          testparm.samba3
hp-align                               testrb
hp-check                               testrb1.8
hp-clean                               test-speech
hp-colorcal                            text2pcap
hp-devicesettings                      textmode
hp-fab                                 tgatoppm
hp-faxsetup                            tgz
hp-firmware                            thinkjettopbm
hp-hpdio                               thumbnail
hpijs                                  thunderbird
hp-info                                tic
hp-levels                              tiff2bw
hp-linefeedcal                         tiff2pdf
hp-makecopies                          tiff2ps
hp-makeuri                             tiff2rgba
hp-mkuri                               tiffcmp
hp-pkservice                           tiffcp
hp-plugin                              tiffdither
hp-pqdiag                              tiffdump
hp-print                               tiffinfo
hp-printsettings                       tiffmedian
hp-probe                               tiffset
hp-query                               tiffsplit
hp-scan                                tifftopnm
hp-sendfax                             time
hp-setup                               time-admin
hp-systray                             tkjpeg
hp-testpage                            tload
hp-timedate                            tnameserv
hp-toolbox                             toc2cddb
hp-unload                              toc2cue
hp-wificonfig                          toe
htdbm                                  tomboy
htdigest                               tomboy-panel
html2text                              top
HTMLLinker                             toshset
htpasswd                               totem
i386                                   totem-audio-preview
i486-linux-gnu-cpp                     totem-video-indexer
i486-linux-gnu-cpp-4.3                 totem-video-thumbnailer
i486-linux-gnu-cpp-4.4                 touch
i486-linux-gnu-g++                     tput
i486-linux-gnu-g++-4.4                 tr
i486-linux-gnu-gcc                     tracepath
i486-linux-gnu-gcc-4.3                 tracepath6
i486-linux-gnu-gcc-4.4                 traceroute6
ibus-daemon                            traceroute6.iputils
ibus-setup                             tracker-applet
ibus-table-createdb                    tracker-files
iceauth                                tracker-info
icontopbm                              tracker-meta-folder
iconv                                  tracker-preferences
id                                     tracker-processes
identify                               tracker-query
idl2deb                                tracker-search
idl2wrs                                tracker-search-tool
idlj                                   tracker-services
iecset                                 tracker-stats
iedit                                  tracker-status
ifnames                                tracker-tag
igawk                                  tracker-unique
ijs_pxljr                              transfig
ilbmtoppm                              transmission
imagetops                              trial
imgtoppm                               troff
import                                 truncate
im-switch                              tsclient
includeres                             tset
info                                   tshark
infobrowser                            tsort
infocmp                                tty
infokey                                twistd
infotocap                              twm
install                                tzselect
install-info                           u1sdtool
install-menu                           ubuntu-bug
install-package                        ubuntuone-client-applet
instmodsh                              ubuntuone-client-preferences
intltool-extract                       ucat
intltoolize                            ucf
intltool-merge                         ucfq
intltool-prepare                       ucfr
intltool-update                        ucs2any
invest-chart                           ul
ionice                                 umax_pp
ipcmk                                  umbrello
ipcrm                                  unattended-upgrade
ipcs                                   unattended-upgrades
ipod-read-sysinfo-extended             unexpand
iptables-xml                           unicharset_extractor
isodump                                unicode_stop
isoinfo                                uniq
isovfy                                 unlink
ispell-wrapper                         unlzma
isql                                   unopkg
iusql                                  unp
ives                                   unpack200
iview                                  unpack_bootlogo
jar                                    unpaper
jarsigner                              unstr
java                                   untex
javac                                  unzip
javadoc                                unzipsfx
javah                                  update-alternatives
javap                                  updatedb
java_vm                                updatedb.mlocate
javaws                                 update-desktop-database
jconsole                               update-gconf-defaults
jcontrol                               update-manager
jdb                                    update-menus
jed                                    update-mime-database
jedit                                  update-mime-database.real
jed-script                             update-notifier
jexec                                  update-pciids
jhat                                   update-perl-sax-parsers
jinfo                                  uptime
jmacs                                  usb-creator-gtk
jmap                                   usb_printerid
jockey-gtk                             userinfo
jockey-kde                             usermount
jockey-text                            userpasswd
joe                                    users
join                                   users-admin
jpegexiforient                         users.xnc
jpegtopnm                              uuidgen
jpegtran                               uxterm
jpico                                  uz
jps                                    vga_reset
jrunscript                             vi
js                                     view
jsadebugd                              viewres
jstack                                 view.xnc
jstar                                  vim
jstat                                  vim.basic
jstatd                                 vimdiff
k3b                                    vim.gnome
k3bsetup                               vim.tiny
kab2kabc                               vimtutor
kaccess                                vinagre
kaddprinterwizard                      vino-passwd
kapplymousetheme                       vino-preferences
kate                                   vmmouse_detect
kblankscrn.kss                         vmstat
kbuildsycoca                           volname
kbuildsycoca4                          w
kchart                                 w3m
kcheckrunning                          w3mman
kcminit                                wall
kcminit_startup                        watch
kcmshell                               wbmptopbm
kcmshell4                              wc
kconf_update                           wftopfa
kcookiejar                             wget
kcookiejar4                            whatis
kde4                                   whereis
kde4-config                            which
kde4-menu                              whiptail
kdebugdialog                           who
kde-config                             whoami
kde-cp                                 whois
kded                                   widget
kded4                                  winicontoppm
kdeinit                                wininfo
kdeinit4                               wireshark
kdeinit4_shutdown                      wish
kdeinit4_wrapper                       wish8.4
kdeinit_shutdown                       withsctp
kdeinit_wrapper                        wodim
kde-menu                               wordlist2dawg
kde-mv                                 wpa_passphrase
kde-open                               w.procps
kdesudo                                write
kdesu_stub                             wrjpgcom
kdontchangethehostname                 wsgen
kdostartupconfig                       wsimport
kdostartupconfig4                      wvAbw
keditfiletype                          wvCleanLatex
kerneloops-submit                      wvConvert
kexi                                   wvdial
kexi_add_column                        wvdialconf
kexi_add_column_gui                    wvDocBook
kexi_delete_column                     wvDVI
kexi_delete_column_gui                 wvHtml
keytool                                wvLatex
kfax                                   wvMime
kfile                                  wvPDF
kfile4                                 wvPS
kfind                                  wvRTF
kfloppy                                wvSummary
kfmexec                                wvText
kfontinst                              wvVersion
kfontview                              wvWare
kglobalaccel                           wvWml
kgrantpty                              www-browser
khelpcenter                            X
khotnewstuff                           X11
khotnewstuff4                          x11perf
kiconfinder                            x11perfcomp
killall                                xargs
kinfocenter                            xauth
kinstalltheme                          xbiff
kioclient                              xbmtopbm
kioexec                                xbrlapi
kio_http_cache_cleaner                 xcalc
kioslave                               xcam
kio_uiserver                           xclipboard
kjs                                    xclock
kjscmd                                 xcmsdb
klauncher                              xconsole
kmailservice                           xcursorgen
kmenuedit                              xcutsel
kmimetypefinder                        xdg-desktop-icon
kmyfirewall                            xdg-desktop-menu
knotify4                               xdg-email
koconverter                            xdg-icon-resource
koi8rxterm                             xdg-mime
konsole                                xdg-open
konsolekalendar                        xdg-screensaver
konsoleprofile                         xdg-user-dir
koshell                                xdg-user-dirs-gtk-update
kpac_dhcp_helper                       xdg-user-dirs-update
kquitapp                               xditview
krandom.kss                            xdosemu
krandrtray                             xdpyinfo
krdb                                   xdriinfo
kreadconfig                            xedit
kres-migrator                          Xephyr
kross                                  xev
krossrunner                            xeyes
krunner                                xfce4-taskmanager
ksendbugmail                           xfconf-query
kshell                                 xfd
kshell4                                xfontsel
kshutdown                              xfsinfo
ksmserver                              xft-config
ksplashsimple                          xgamma
ksplashx                               xgc
ksplashx_scale                         xgettext
kspread                                xhost
ksqlite                                ximtoppm
ksqlite2                               xine-list-1.1
ksqlite2to3                            xinit
kstart                                 xinput
kstartupconfig                         xjc
kstartupconfig4                        xjed
ksvgtopng                              xjpegroot
ksystemlog                             xkbbell
ksystraycmd                            xkbcomp
ktelnetservice                         xkbevd
ktraderclient                          xkbprint
ktradertest                            xkbvleds
ktrash                                 xkbwatch
kuiserver                              xkeystone
kuser                                  xkill
kvpm                                   xload
kwalletd                               xlogo
kwin                                   xlsatoms
kwin_killer_helper                     xlsclients
kwin_rules_dialog                      xlsfonts
kword                                  xmag
kwrapper                               xman
kwrapper4                              xmessage
kwrite                                 xml2-config
kwriteconfig                           xml2po
kwrited                                xmlcatalog
kxkb                                   xmllint
l2ping                                 xmlparse
last                                   xmodmap
lastb                                  xmore
lastlog                                xnc
launchpad-integration                  xnc-en
lavadecode                             xncloader
lcf                                    xncsetup
ld                                     xncsetup-en
ldd                                    xnetcardconfig
leaftoppm                              xnetcardconfig.real
ledit                                  xnlaunch
less                                   Xorg
lessecho                               xpath
lessfile                               xpcshell-1.9.1
lesskey                                xpdf
lesspipe                               xpdf.bin
lexgrog                                xpmroot
lftp                                   xpmtoppm
lftpget                                xpp
libnetcfg                              xprop
libpng12-config                        xqxdecode
libpng-config                          xrandr
libtool                                xrdb
libtoolize                             xrefresh
line                                   xsane
link                                   xscanimage
linux32                                xscreensaver-getimage
linux64                                xscreensaver-getimage-file
linux-boot-prober                      xscreensaver-getimage-video
lispmtopgm                             xscreensaver-gl-helper
listres                                xscreensaver-text
lnstat                                 x-session-manager
lnusertemp                             xset
loadkeys                               xsetmode
loadunimap                             xsetpointer
locale                                 xsetroot
localedef                              xsltproc
locate                                 xsm
lockfile-check                         xsplash
lockfile-create                        xstdcmap
lockfile-remove                        xsubpp
lockfile-touch                         xterm
logger                                 x-terminal-emulator
logname                                xtrapchar
look                                   xtrapin
lorder                                 xtrapinfo
lp                                     xtrapout
lpoptions                              xtrapproto
lppasswd                               xtrapreset
lpq                                    xtrapstats
lpr                                    xulrunner
lprm                                   xulrunner-1.9.1
lp_solve                               xvidtune
lpstat                                 xvinfo
lsattr                                 xvminitoppm
lsb_release                            xwd
lscpu                                  xwdtopnm
lshal                                  x-window-manager
lshw                                   xwininfo
lsof                                   xwud
lspci                                  x-www-browser
lspgpot                                xxd
lss16toppm                             ybmtopbm
lsusb                                  yelp
ltrace                                 yes
luit                                   yuvsplittoppm
lwp-download                           yuvtoppm
lwp-dump                               zdump
lwp-mirror                             zeisstopnm
lwp-request                            zenity
lwp-rget                               zgv
lxterm                                 zip
lz                                     zipcloak
lzcat                                  zipgrep
lzma                                   zipinfo
m17n-db                                zipnote
m4                                     zipsplit
macptopbm                              zips.xnc
magnifier                              zjsdecode
maildirsync                            zsoelim
mail-lock                              zxpdf
sand@del830h:/usr/bin$ ls -l bash*
ls -l bash*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 6851 2009-09-14 07:09 bashbug
sand@del830h:/usr/bin$ bashbug
Bearbeite '/etc/joe/editorrc'...Bearbeite '/etc/joe/ftyperc'...fertig

    I    /tmp/bbug.11798/bbug1        Row 26   Col 44   7:02  Ctrl-K H
for help
Configuration Information [Automatically generated, do not change]:
Machine: i486
OS: linux-gnu
Compiler: gcc
Compilation CFLAGS:  -DPROGRAM='bash' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='i486'
uname output: Linux del830h 2.6.31-20-generic #57-Ubuntu SMP Mon Feb 8
Machine Type: i486-pc-linux-gnu

Bash Version: 4.0
Patch Level: 33  
Release Status: release

        [Detailed description of the problem, suggestion, or complaint.]

        [Describe the sequence of events that causes the problem
        to occur.]

        [Description of how to fix the problem.  If you don't know a
        fix for the problem, don't include this section.]

Datei /tmp/bbug.11798/bbug1 nicht geƤndert, daher keine Aktualisierung

/usr/bin/bashbug: You have not changed the subject from the default.
/usr/bin/bashbug: Please use a more descriptive subject header.
/usr/bin/bashbug: Type `y' to give up, and lose your bug report;
/usr/bin/bashbug: type `n' to re-enter the editor.
/usr/bin/bashbug: Do you want to give up? n
/usr/bin/bashbug:  The editor will be restarted in five seconds.
Bearbeite '/etc/joe/editorrc'...Bearbeite '/etc/joe/ftyperc'...fertig

    I    /tmp/bbug.11798/bbug1        Row 1    Col 1    7:17  Ctrl-K H
for help
From: sand
To: bug-bash@gnu.org,bash@packages.debian.org
Subject: [50 character or so descriptive subject here (for reference)]

Configuration Information [Automatically generated, do not change]:
Machine: i486
OS: linux-gnu
Compiler: gcc
Compilation CFLAGS:  -DPROGRAM='bash' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='i486'
uname output: Linux del830h 2.6.31-20-generic #57-Ubuntu SMP Mon Feb 8
Machine Type: i486-pc-linux-gnu

Bash Version: 4.0
Patch Level: 33
Release Status: release

        [Detailed description of the problem, suggestion, or complaint.]

        [Describe the sequence of events that causes the problem
        to occur.]

Klaus Sandner <sandner@ksandner.de>

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