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Re: Found problem mentioned in email 3/27: path interpretted/eval'd as n

From: Linda Walsh
Subject: Re: Found problem mentioned in email 3/27: path interpretted/eval'd as numeric expression
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2013 17:31:19 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100228 Lightning/0.9 Thunderbird/ Mnenhy/

Chris Down wrote:
> On 2013-04-17 17:30, Linda Walsh wrote:
>> BTW, is it planned to implement exporting ARRAY and HASHES?
>> Sure would simplify some programs... ;-)
> As if exporting functions wasn't hacky enough...
        But then the function would have produced consistent
results ... i.e. exporting a function w/o it's data requires
more complicated workarounds.

        You can export ARRAYS and aliases, with special handling...
In my bashenv...
shopt -s extglob
f="${-//*([^x])/}"; [[ $f ]] && set +x
[[ -n ${_GPSAFE_:-""} ]]  2>/dev/null  && eval  "$_GPSAFE_"
[[ ${__GLOBAL_ALIASES__:-} ]] && eval "$__GLOBAL_ALIASES__"
[[ ${__INHERIT_ALIASES__:-} ]] && eval "$__INHERIT_ALIASES__"
[[ $f ]] && set -x
The only one I use is _GPSAFE_, a hash, _GROUPS_, mapping groupnames->gid...
_GPSAFE_ is a stringified version of the hash (output of typeset -p _GROUP_).
So I can check for group membership by name.

> echo ${_GROUPS_[Domain Admins]}

I can call 'sudo' based on group membership (assuming the sudo config
and the array are in agreeance) or return a message that they
need to be root to do xxyz...

Like I said though, it would simplify things if arrays, hashes and aliases
were *able* to be exported natively...

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