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Re: locale specific ordering in EN_US -- why is a<A<b<B<y<Y<z<Z?

From: Aharon Robbins
Subject: Re: locale specific ordering in EN_US -- why is a<A<b<B<y<Y<z<Z?
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 10:33:59 +0300
User-agent: Heirloom mailx 12.5 6/20/10

Hi Paolo.

> I still believe that there is no place other than the glibc locale
> descriptions where this can be fixed.

This is necessary but not sufficient. All of gawk, grep, sed and bash
run on lots of non-GLIBC systems.  The locale definitions, even for
the same locale, vary wildly out in the wild.  Therefore there's no
other practical choice but to fix each program to provide Rational
Range Interpretation.

Fortunately, gawk and grep are already there, and I think the sed in
the git repo is as well.  Once Bash turns this on as default, the
world will definitely be a better place, independent of GLIBC.


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