On 6/6/13 6:48 PM, Linda Walsh wrote:
I wanted to test to see if a function was defined and looking at
typeset in the bash man page, I see
typeset ... The -p option will
display the attributes and values of each name. When -p is used
with name arguments, additional options are ignored. When -p is
supplied without name arguments, it will display the attributes
and values of all variables having the attributes specified by
the additional options. If no other options are supplied with
-p, declare will display the attributes and values of all shell
variables. The -f option will restrict the display to shell
functions. The -F option inhibits the display of function defi-
ok ... so reading the above, how does "-f" and -F" tie in with
"-p" ?? If I use -f with -p does that limit it to functions only?
I think the original intent of the -p option was to have it interact with
-f and -F to limit each name argument to the function namespace, and to
display definitions and attributes. I will change the code and revise
the documentation to reflect that.