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Re: Command name dequote does not work

From: Ralf Goertz
Subject: Re: Command name dequote does not work
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 17:46:07 +0200
User-agent: KNode/4.11.5

Chet Ramey wrote:

> On 4/15/14, 3:32 AM, ingo.krabbe@eoa.de wrote:
>> Bash Version: 4.2
>> Patch Level: 37
>> Release Status: release
>> Description:
>> I wrote a simple shell script using sed to convert \n into newlines and 
>> other \\(.) to \\\1 and
>> called that script dequote. When I'm trying to call it nothing happens, when 
>> I'm calling
>> $HOME/bin/dequote it works. There's no alias called dequote, there's no 
>> other dequote in path.
>> When I rename the script and call it it just works as expected.
>> This looks like a secret command, that just echos its arguments, as calling 
>> "dequote xyz" echoes
>> "xyz".
>> But having a secret alias or command is very evil. What's up here?
>> Repeat-By:
>> see above
>> Fix:
>> Don't use secret commands. Any builtin has to be documented on the help page.
> Please.  Run `type dequote' and see what it displays.
> You have access to the source code, you know; you could have checked
> whether or not there is a `secret command' named `dequote'.
I am not the OP but on OpenSuse 13.1 I have

$ type dequote
dequote is a function
dequote () 
    eval printf %s "$1" 2> /dev/null


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