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Bug with declarative arrays

From: Emilio PastorMira
Subject: Bug with declarative arrays
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2016 16:39:36 +0000

Hello everybody,


I believe I have a relevant bug to report. My company uses bash extensively and we would like to contribute!


The bug I found is related to the possibility of obtaining all keys of a declarative array at once (${!ARRAY[@]} syntax). It seems that every time such a call is done there is memory allocation, which is NOT deallocated when the corresponding scope ends. This produces a memory leak.


In the attachment there is a simple script with an endless loop. As long as it runs the memory usage will increase.



-          Debian 8  linux kernel 3.16.0-4-amd64

-          Bash version 4.3.30(1) x86_64-pc-linux-gnu



I also search the documentation to see I was misusing the syntax, but I could not find such a explanation. My apologies if I oversaw something.



Thanks in advance,

Emilio Pastor Mira




Emilio Pastor Mira


Utimaco IS GmbH  

Germanusstr. 4  

DE-52080 Aachen 

Email: Emilio.pastormira@utimaco.com

Website: hsm.utimaco.com



Utimaco IS GmbH

Seat: Aachen – Registergericht Aachen HRB 18922
VAT ID No.: DE 815 496 496
Managementboard: Malte Pollmann (Chairman) CEO, Dr. Frank J. Nellissen CFO

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Attachment: bash_bug_report.sh
Description: bash_bug_report.sh

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