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extglob problems

From: Isabella Parakiss
Subject: extglob problems
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2016 23:15:08 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.24 (2015-08-30)

Just wanted to report a couple of problems in 4.3.42 and the latest
devel version:

*?(/) followed by something makes it ignore the rest:
$ [[ a = a*?(/)b ]] && echo match

@(*|extglob) matches everything(?) but not always:
$ touch a b c .x .y .z
$ echo .!(|.)                     # correct
.x .y .z
$ echo *                          # correct
a b c
$ echo @(*|.!(|.))                # wrong, adds . and ..
. .. a b c .x .y .z
$ echo @(*|@(f))                  # ??
. .. a b c .x .y .z
$ echo @(*|@(ff))                 # ???
a b c

I wouldn't know where to start to fix them though...
xoxo iza

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