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Re: Document bug of 'for' compound command

From: Pierre Gaston
Subject: Re: Document bug of 'for' compound command
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2017 18:59:35 +0300

On Fri, Aug 18, 2017 at 6:22 PM, vanou <van@star.ocn.ne.jp> wrote:

> Hello,
> I think, there is document bug related to 'for' compound command in both
> Man page and Info doc.
> In man page, description of 'for' compound command ...
> ************************************************************
> ****************************************
> *  for (( expr1 ; expr2 ; expr3 )) ; do list ; done
> *     First, the arithmetic expression expr1 is evaluated according
> *     to the rules described below under ARITHMETIC EVALUATION.
> *     The arithmetic  expression  expr2 is  then evaluated  repeatedly
> *     until it evaluates to zero.
> <-- not zero, but 1
> *     Each time expr2 evaluates to a non-zero value,
>  <-- not non-zero,but 0
> *     list is executed and the arithmetic expression expr3 is evaluated.
> *     If any expression is omitted, it behaves as if it evaluates to 1.
> <-- not 1, but 0
> *     The return value is the exit status of the last command in list
> *     that is executed, or false if any of the expressions is invalid.
> ************************************************************
> ****************************************
> And same document bug in Info documentation of bash.
> This bug is seen at bash 4.4.
> Thanks,
> Vanou
> The documentation seems ok, what makes you think the contrary?
for ((;0;)); do echo foo;done # prints nothing
for ((;1;)); do echo foo;done # is infinte
for ((;;)); do echo foo;done # is also infinite

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