Curious, but how difficult or problematic would it be
to allow using brace-expansion (ex. {f,x} ) as a short-hand
to test/combine file-op tests like:
test -{f,x} /bin/ls && ...
if [[ -{f,x} $file ]]; then ... ; fi
instead of:
test -f /bin/ls && test -x /bin/ls && ...
(maybe boring background):
Came from a spur-of-the-moment experimenting with bash equivalents
to perl's file-op chaining, like:
if (-f -x "/bin/ls") { ... }
and came up with something a bit odd but working, but
a bit quirky looking for a lib-type function or alias:
eval 'test -'{f,x}' /bin/ls && :' && echo executable file
and wondered if bash might adopt some shortcut for testing
multiple flags or if it was too specialized for such a minor
just a minor curiosity if code was submitted...etc...etc...?