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[PATCH] Re-display prompt if directory changed in a bind -x command

From: Bogdan Harjoc
Subject: [PATCH] Re-display prompt if directory changed in a bind -x command
Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2018 10:12:02 +0300

Using bind -x to call cd or source a script that changes the directory
will not update the prompt to show the new directory after the script

user@host:~$ bind -x '"\C-t": "echo test;cd /"'

# I press Ctrl-T

Prompt still shows ~ as the pwd. Once I press Return or Ctrl-L the
prompt shows root as the pwd.

Updating the prompt is useful when using the mc-wrapper.sh script for
Midnight Commander that changes the bash pwd to the last mc directory
when mc exits. There is a similar wrapper for vim for example.

Attached patch decodes the prompt string again after running the
command passed to bind -x.


Attachment: bash-update-prompt-after-bind-x.patch
Description: Text Data

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