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Re: readline: How to unbind _all_ keys

From: Henning
Subject: Re: readline: How to unbind _all_ keys
Date: Wed, 22 May 2019 10:46:08 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; rv:56.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/56.0

On 21/05/2019 23:33, Dennis Williamson wrote:
Why don't you unbind the keystrokes that are actually bound?
while read -r b; do bind -r "$b"; done < <(bind -p | awk -F ':' '/./
&& !/self-insert|accept-line|^#/ {gsub("\"", "", $1); print $1}')

That was my first approach when I dealt with this some years ago.

On my system, that takes 0.011 seconds to run and it's not iterating
through a bunch of key sequences that aren't there.

It does seem to leave behind a few, some of which match cchars (control

Here too. So I tried other methods.

As an alternative, just put all the (un)bindings in ~/.inputrc, for example:

"\C-s": ""

To automate that:

bind -p | awk -F ':' '/./ && !/self-insert|accept-line|^#/ {print $1 ":
\"\""}' >> ~/.inputrc

I tried that, too. But this also left some bindings behind.

Frankly, I'd have to dislike key bindings A LOT to go to the trouble of
doing all this unbinding.

Yes. And I need several combinations for other purposes.

But I can not remove bindings with key-sequences my terminal does not
produce like \eO[ABCDFH]

That seems to be wrong. Currently, the script works perfectly and the
time is acceptable.
What still remains is the not working assignment of ^X.

This inquiry would have been better suited for help-bash rather than

Hmm. Yes (except for ^X)


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