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Re: doesnt interate the array anymore, what am i doing wrong

From: Greg Wooledge
Subject: Re: doesnt interate the array anymore, what am i doing wrong
Date: Sun, 7 Mar 2021 20:24:57 -0500

Alex fxmbsw7 Ratchev (fxmbsw7@gmail.com) wrote:
> bash-5.1# cat int.fail
> int() {
>  declare -a int

You've declared a local array named "int" which has nothing in it.

This is inside a function named "int".

>  declare i=-1 now
>  while [[ -v int[++i] ]] && now=${int[i]} ; do
>   printf %s\\n "$now"
>  done
> }

You're iterating on the empty local array.

> int=( a b c )
> int

You also have a global array named "int".

I suggest that you use different names for your stuff.  This will help
you avoid a lot of problems.  Having a global variable, a local variable,
and a function all sharing the same name (and a name which is actively
*misleading* given that one of the arrays does not, in fact, contain
integer values) is not helping you.

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