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Re: Redirection between assignment statement and command name prevents a

From: Robert Elz
Subject: Re: Redirection between assignment statement and command name prevents alias substitution
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2021 18:26:08 +0700

    Date:        Tue, 23 Mar 2021 13:10:19 +0300
    From:        =?UTF-8?B?T8SfdXo=?= <oguzismailuysal@gmail.com>

  | $ echo a > a
  | $ echo b > b
  | $ alias l='< ' a=b
  | $ l a cat
  | a
  | I can't think of any reason not to expand `a' there.

I can think of a reason (though the NetBSD sh does expand it) -- after
a '<' you're certainly not in the command word position, what comes next
must be a redirect operand (filename).   The space at the end of the 'l'
alias value should cause alias expansion, but I can almost understand why
it might not.


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