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Re: select syntax violates the POLA

From: Robert Elz
Subject: Re: select syntax violates the POLA
Date: Sat, 03 Apr 2021 00:08:06 +0700

    Date:        Fri, 2 Apr 2021 23:06:40 +0800
    From:        konsolebox <konsolebox@gmail.com>

  | > The right question would be why '} else' works.
  | This inconsistency should be fixed and prevent people from
  | using it wrong.  `}; else` should work


  | but not `} else`

No, that should work too.  The "then" part of an if statement (which is what
the '}' is the last element of in that example, obviously, takes a list

        if_clause  : If compound_list Then compound_list else_part Fi

and the list (compound_list in posix speak) can be

        compound_list : linebreak term

where linebreak is an optional newline (but is before the term anyway
so isn't relevant here as we're looking at the ending, not the beginning)

and term can be

        term  : and_or

and and-or can be

        and_or  :  pipeline

and pipeline can be

        pipeline  : pipe_sequence

and pipe_sequence can be

        pipe_sequence :  command

and command can be

        command  :   compound_command

and compound_command can be

        compound_command : brace_group

and brace_group is

        brace_group  : Lbrace compound_list Rbrace

Observe that following that sequence, there is no separator (';' etc)
required between the Rbrace ('}') that terminates the brace_group
which is the compound_command which is the command which is the pipe_sequence
which is the pipeline which is the and_or which is the term which is the
last thing in the compound_list after which "else" follows immediately.

Of course, all the "can be" rules above have alternatives, other things
are possible, in particular, the full rule for compound_list is

        compound_list  : linebreak term
                       | linebreak term separator

so it is obvious (very obvious) that a separator is allowed after the
term, but not required.

  | just like how `{ :; } :` doesn't.

That is an entirely different thing.  ':' isn't a reserved word, so the
reserved word rule isn't relevant, and sequential commands (like the group,
and the second ':' in that example) need to be separated by some kind of
separator (';' '&' or newline).

And from your other message:

  | That's not a rule but a special compromise.

No, it is a rule, it is required to allow the 'else' in the example above
to be a reserved word, otherwise it would just be a normal word, and that
would be a syntax error.

  |  [[ ]] and (( )) are a form of reserved words themselves

Those are bash specials, and I am fairly sure that (( and )) will be
operators, not reserved words (they cannot really be the latter, as ( and
) are operators) and I suspect that [[ and ]] might be as well, but there
I'm not sure.   operators and reserved words are quite different things.
Operators (unquoted) are recognised as themselves wherever they appear.

  | just like () and {}

'(' and ')' are operators.  '{' and '}' are reserved words.

  | as they can be used multi-line but

That has nothing to do with anything.   Anywhere where the grammar allows
linebreak or separator (maybe more) can be used multi-line.   Anwhere those
things are not in the grammar, line breaks (not counting \newline or quoted
newlines) are not permitted.

  | but they aren't allowed to be adjacent to else et al without a semicolon.


  | practically just commands with first-class parsing that consistently
  | have to end with a semicolon

No, they don't (even if you extend semicolon to include ampersand and newline).

  | if followed by another reserved word or command

if followed by another command yes, as the separator is just that, a separator,
it separates different commands, it is not a terminator (unlike the ';' in
C expression statements for example).

Where reserved words are allowed entirely depends upon what the grammar
allows.   And as above, "} else {" is a perfectly valid sequence as part of
an "if" statement.


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