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Re: Handling options with optional arguments with getopts

From: Robert Elz
Subject: Re: Handling options with optional arguments with getopts
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2021 23:49:03 +0700

    Date:        Sat, 28 Aug 2021 15:26:28 +0000
    From:        hancooper <hancooper@protonmail.com>

  | Would the code break if I use shortopts="Vuhv:s" (allows getopts
  | to issue errors, not in silent mode) but also have the (":") and
  | ("?") checks inside the case statement?

Not break, but the ':' case will be a waste of space, as that cannot
happen in that case, the ':' return only happens with the leading ':'
in the opts string (I didn't bother to quote that part of the spec last
time, as it wasn't immediately relevant).

  | As so

That should work, the ":" case (as above) won't ever happen.

There's also a whole lot of meaningless quoting that you could delete
(shell doesn't have strings ... or perhaps that is better stated as
everything is a string, quotes aren't needed to make something into one -
quotes are only needed where some shell magic character appears (to literally
match the '?' that needs to be quoted) or to protect the contents of
an expansion from further processing.


  |  local shortopts="Vuhvs"

quotes there are useless.

  |  while getopts $shortopts arg; do

but (double-)quoting around $shortopts can be a good idea,
as anything that results from an expansion is subject to
pathname expansion and field splitting ... that's not going to
be an issue here, as the value of shortopts is known, and
contains nothing which would trigger pathname expansion, and
is unlikely to result in field splitting either (depends on
the value of IFS, so it could happen) - but always quoting
things like that is a good idea.   Greg's FAQ would tell you
it is essential ... I don't go quite that far (just 95% of the way).

  |    case $arg in

but quotes aren't essential there, because the word in a case statement
isn't subject to those extra expansions (it wouldn't hurt to (double-)quote
it though, for consistency)

  |      ("V")

Those quotes are useless (all the useless quotes here are also harmless,
so if you really like the look of them, they do no harm - but they're
unconventional in sh code).

  |        printf '%s\n' "Version"

The \ needs quoting, one way or another, so the single quotes
are reasonable ( %s\\n would be another way ) but the double
quotes around Version are meaningless.   [Aside: if you are going
to add meaningless quoting, using single quotes is generally
better, the shell doesn't need to parse the insides of a single
quoted word nearly as much as a double quoted one, so processing
single quoted strings is marginally faster - but probably so marginally
that you'd never be able to measure the difference].

  |      ("v")
  |        vb="$OPTARG"

That's another place (the assignment) where the quotes aren't really
needed, as neither pathname expansion nor field splitting occur there,
but again, for consistency, keeping them can be a good idea.

  |      ("?")
  |        printf '%s\n' "Option not recognised by shortopts"
  |        printf '%s\n'pfm "Invalid option: -${OPTARG}."
  |        break
  |        ;;

You don't need the error messages, getopts will have issued
one already, the point of the '?' case in this scenario is
to allow the code to clean up (which the "break" is intended
to achieve I suspect, but that's rarely the right choice, as
it just falls out of the while loop and continues executing
the script ... exit is a more common thing to do there.

  |      (*)
  |        printf '%s\n' "Invoke \`getopts_test -h' for details."
  |        ;;

That one is missing a break (or more likely, exit) which is likely
needed for the same reason as the previous one.   But since the var
set by getopts only ever returns one char, unquoting the ? in the
previous pattern would allow these two cases to be combined, the '?'
(if unquoted) would match anything not previously matched, both
a literal '?' for the error case, but also some other option where
the char was added to the opts string (shortopts here) but the
case pattern to handle it was forgotten.


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