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Re: compgen stops processing backslashes after any call to bind

From: of1
Subject: Re: compgen stops processing backslashes after any call to bind
Date: Sun, 18 Dec 2022 01:07:11 +0100

On 16/12/2022 23:18, Chet Ramey wrote:

Your arguments undergo word expansion, including double-quote processing,
before compgen sees them.

Thank you very much for your thorough explanation. I also take this
opportunity to thank you for
and I thank Koichi too.

I had seen, using set -x, that backslashes were given special
treatment but, in my naive view, I didn't grasp that was a consequence
of a larger problem.

So I have a function that works now. Maybe someone will have a wiser

#!/usr/bin/env bash

[[ "$(find /tmp/ -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "Dir\\\\A")" ]] && exit 2
mkdir -p /tmp/Dir\\A/dir\\\\B/dir\\\\\\C/dir\\\\\\\\D/
touch /tmp/Dir\\A/dir\\\\B/dir\\\\\\C/dir\\\\\\\\D/file\\\\\\\\A

set -o emacs

f_comp() {
   local COMP CPR="${1%\/*}" CPO="${1##*\/}"
   #echo 1>&2; set -x
   COMP="$(compgen -f "${CPR//\\/\\\\\\\\}${1:+/}${CPO//\\/\\\\}")"
   set +x
   CPR="${COMP%\/*}" CPO="${COMP##*\/}"
   printf '%s' "${CPR//\\\\/\\}${1:+/}$CPO"

bind -X

for DF in "/tmp/Dir" "/tmp/Dir\\A" "/tmp/Dir\\A/" "/tmp/Dir\\A/dir\\" \
          "/tmp/Dir\\A/dir\\\\B" "/tmp/Dir\\A/dir\\\\B/" \
          "/tmp/Dir\\A/dir\\\\B/dir\\\\\\" \
          "/tmp/Dir\\A/dir\\\\B/dir\\\\\\C/dir\\\\\\\\" \
          "/tmp/Dir\\A/dir\\\\B/dir\\\\\\C/dir\\\\\\\\D/file\\\\\\\\"; do
   printf '%s\n' "$(( ++COUNT )) $DF  >>>  $(f_comp "$DF")"

rm -rf /tmp/Dir\\A/

### Output:
1 /tmp/Dir  >>>  /tmp/Dir\A
2 /tmp/Dir\A  >>>  /tmp/Dir\A
3 /tmp/Dir\A/  >>>  /tmp/Dir\A/dir\\B
4 /tmp/Dir\A/dir\  >>>  /tmp/Dir\A/dir\\B
5 /tmp/Dir\A/dir\\B  >>>  /tmp/Dir\A/dir\\B
6 /tmp/Dir\A/dir\\B/  >>>  /tmp/Dir\A/dir\\B/dir\\\C
7 /tmp/Dir\A/dir\\B/dir\\\  >>>  /tmp/Dir\A/dir\\B/dir\\\C
8 /tmp/Dir\A/dir\\B/dir\\\C/dir\\\\  >>>  /tmp/Dir\A/dir\\B/dir\\\C/dir\\\\D
9 /tmp/Dir\A/dir\\B/dir\\\C/dir\\\\D/file\\\\ >>> /tmp/Dir\A/dir\\B/dir\\\C/dir\\\\D/file\\\\A

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