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Re: BUG: Colorize background of whitespace

From: Greg Wooledge
Subject: Re: BUG: Colorize background of whitespace
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2023 07:50:26 -0400

On Wed, Oct 25, 2023 at 10:29:32AM +0200, Holger Klene wrote:
> Description:
> The initial bash background is hardcoded to some default (e.g. black) and 
> cannot be colorized by printing "transparent" tabs/newlines with 
> ANSI-ESC-codes.
> Only after a vertical scrollbar appears, the whitespace beyond the window 
> hight will get the proper background color.

Terminals have colors (foreground and background).  Bash does not.  Bash
is just a command shell.

> Repeat-By:
> run the following command line:
> clear; seq 50; printf '\e[36;44m\nsome colored\ttext with\ttabs\e[m\n'
> Play with the parameter to seq, to keep the line within the first screen or 
> move it offscreen.
> Reproduced in:
> - in Konsole on Kubuntu 23.04
> - in the git bash for windows mintty 3.6.1
> - in WSL cmd window on Windows 11

I ran this command in xterm (version 379) and rxvt-unicode (9.30) on
Debian, but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be seeing.

In my case, the terminals are 80x24, and xterm has a default black
background, while rxvt has a default white background.  In both cases,
the expected rows of numbers are printed by seq, and then there's
a blank line, and then there's a line of dark blue background which
extends all the way across the terminal, containing "some colored" and
"text with" and "tabs" in a greenish foreground color.

Hitting Enter to scroll the text upward doesn't do anything surprising,
and neither does scrolling the terminal with Shift-PageUp or with
the mouse.

What are *you* seeing which surprises you?

In any case, this has nothing to do with bash.  It's strictly a terminal
issue, whatever the issue may be.

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