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[BUG] ld -shared resolves strong ref to defined weak sym as 0?

From: Roland McGrath
Subject: [BUG] ld -shared resolves strong ref to defined weak sym as 0?
Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2003 15:52:02 -0800

This is with mainline cvs binutils from yesterday, on elf32-i386 (i686-linux).

a.s contains:

        .type loser,@function
        .weak loser
        loser: ret

b.s contains:

        foobar: call loser

Now do:

        magilla 232 % as -o a.o a.s
        magilla 233 % as -o b.o b.s
        magilla 234 % ld -shared -nostdlib -o x.so a.o b.o
        magilla 235 % objdump -rd x.so

        x.so:     file format elf32-i386

        Disassembly of section .text:

        00000230 <loser>:
         230:   c3                      ret    
         231:   90                      nop    
         232:   90                      nop    
         233:   90                      nop    

        00000234 <foobar>:
         234:   e8 fc ff ff ff          call   235 <foobar+0x1>
         239:   c3                      ret    

The resolution of the reference to `loser' in b.o is wrong.  It was
resolved as if the value of the symbol were zero (or equivalently, as if
there reference were weak and the symbol were undefined).  The symbol is in
fact defined.  Moreover, the reference is strong (to wit, ld -shared -z
defs of b.o without a.o does indeed barf on the undefined reference).  If
the the b.o reference is R_386_PLT32 instead of R_386_PC32 (i.e. b.s says
"call address@hidden"), it works right (creates a PLT entry).


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