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RE: strip incompatible with gcc -Wl,-taso linker option on Alpha ?

From: Jim McCarthy
Subject: RE: strip incompatible with gcc -Wl,-taso linker option on Alpha ?
Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2005 22:08:56 -0800

Just to update anyone interested in this thread:

* I'm most grateful to Jeff Donsbach on the axp-list, who compiled
  and linked the taso_strip_test.c program on his Alpha CPU, then
  invoked his version (2.14) of the "strip" utility and reported
  no change in the memory address pointers printed.

* Encouraged by Jeff's result, I tracked down an RH7.x compatible
  SRPM for binutils-2.15-1 on-line, which I found available here:


* On my RH7.2 for Alpha platform, I ran $ rpm --rebuild <file.srpm>
  on the binutils-2.15-1.src.rpm file, producing an alpha binary
  rpm file (binutils-2.15-1.alpha.rpm).  This installed easily with
  the command $ rpm -ivh --replacefiles binutils-2.15-1.alpha.rpm
  ... and <hooray!> I've confirmed Jeff's results myself, and have
  a new 'strip' version that works fine on "-taso" executables.

* If anyone out there is interested in bypassing the --rebuild step
  from the Source RPM, I'm happy to make my alpha binary RPM for
  RedHat 7.2-alpha (DEC PWS 600au) available on-line here:

  (after download, rename the file with "." in place of "_" above;
  i.e., binutils-2.15-1.alpha.rpm is the filename you want).  Then
  $ rpm -ivh --replacefiles binutils-2.15-1.alpha.rpm  should do an
  install for you (but as always, you ought to have a recent backup
  of your system before attempting this or any such install...).

* The --rebuild from source generated a second binary RPM file,
  binutils-static-2.15-1.alpha.rpm ... I assumed it was a choice
  to install one or the other, not both -- but is it necessary or
  recommended to install binutils-static also ?

Regards and thanks to all who helped,

     -- Jim McCarthy

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