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double-reads with push parser

From: Ryan
Subject: double-reads with push parser
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2021 17:33:31 -0700

I've noticed a strange behavior with my push parser on bison 3.7+, where
when I multiple identical lines through it, the first one parses
correctly, but all future lines parse the first token of the line twice.

I'm not sure if this is a bug in bison or if there's something wrong
with my push loop, but it definitely worked as I expect it to as of

Code to reproduce and the output of that code is below.


// makefile ///////

BISON := bison

# works:
# BISON := $(HOME)/code/source/bison/bison-3.6.4/install/bin/bison

# does not work:
# BISON := $(HOME)/code/source/bison/bison-3.7/install/bin/bison

all: bug

bug: bug.y makefile
        $(BISON) -d -o bug.tab.c bug.y
        gcc -Werror -Wall -Wextra -o bug bug.tab.c

// bug.c //////////

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>

    void yyerror(const char *token, char const *s){
        printf("yyerror: %s: %s\n", token, s);

    typedef union {
        char *string;
    } bug_expr_t;

    #include "bug.tab.h"

    static char *string_concat(char *a, char *b){
        size_t la = strlen(a);
        size_t lb = strlen(b);
        char *s = malloc(la + lb + 1);
        strcpy(s, a);
        strcpy(s + la, b);
        return s;

    static int parse(void *yyps, int type, const char *token){
        int yyret = yypush_parse(yyps, type, NULL, token);
            case 0:
                return 0;
            case YYPUSH_MORE:
                // parsing incomplete, but valid; parser not reset
                return 0;
            case 1:
                // YYABORT or syntax invalid; parser is reset
                printf("invalid input, but no error was thrown\n");
                return 1;
            case 2:
                // memory exhaustion; parser is reset
                printf("memory exhaustion during yypush_parse\n");
                return 1;
        printf("yypush_parse() returned %d\n", yyret);
        return 1;

    int main(void){
        void *yyps = yypstate_new();

    #define PARSE(str, typ) { \
        printf("parsing: '%s' (%d)\n", str, typ); \
        int token_type = typ; \
        if(parse(yyps, token_type, str)) return 1; \

        /* Feed the parser with a "text" token that is broken into two
           pushes, as if the token arrived over two separate network
           packets. */
        PARSE("te", RAW);
        PARSE("xt", RAW);
        PARSE("\r\n", EOL);

        // Do it again, but notice the result is different.
        PARSE("te", RAW);
        PARSE("xt", RAW);
        PARSE("\r\n", EOL);


        return 0;


%define api.value.type {bug_expr_t}
%define api.pure full
%define api.push-pull push
%parse-param { const char *token }
%expect 0

%token RAW
%token EOL

%type <string> text
%destructor { free($$); } <string>


line: text EOL { printf("text: %s\n", $text); free($text); YYACCEPT; };

text: RAW {
        $$ = strdup(token);
        printf("    RAW: '%s'\n", token);
 } | text[t] RAW  {
        printf("    text[t] RAW: '%s' + '%s'\n", $t, token);
        $$ = string_concat($t, strdup(token));

// output (using bison 3.7 or later) /////////////////

parsing: 'te' (258)
    RAW: 'te'
parsing: 'xt' (258)
    text[t] RAW: 'te' + 'xt'
parsing: '
' (259)
text: text
parsing: 'te' (258)
    RAW: 'te'
    text[t] RAW: 'te' + 'te'
parsing: 'xt' (258)
    text[t] RAW: 'tete' + 'xt'
parsing: '
' (259)
text: tetext


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