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BUG in cvs diff -kk/-ko using :ext: file access mechanism

From: Don Eisele
Subject: BUG in cvs diff -kk/-ko using :ext: file access mechanism
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2003 19:18:55 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

My environment:

$ cvs diff Read\ Me.txt 
$ cvs diff -kk Read\ Me.txt 
cvs [server aborted]: cannot open file Read Me.txt for comparing: No such file 
or directory
$ cvs diff -ko Read\ Me.txt 
cvs [server aborted]: cannot open file Read Me.txt for comparing: No such file 
or directory

Looking around various web forums, it seems that this has been a problem
for many other people.  It also seems that the problem is that if the
file checked out is marked as not changed from the repository at all,
the client doesn't send a copy of the file to be compared, so the server
doesn't get the copy (thus the file not found).

Why I think fixing this would be useful:

I'm currently working on some files that are periodically dumped as a 
tarball from someone else's cvs tree.  I am making my own changes
to these files, and when I get a tarball, I want to see what changed
from what I checked in.   Every file has a $Revision$ tag in it, so
I need to use -ko to compare with what was actually checked in.
I'd like to just do a 'cvs diff -ko'  From the top level, and it
actually come back without dying half way through.

Don Quixote -- quixote@toysmakeuspowerful.com   http://toysmakeuspowerful.com
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