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Re: newbie question CVS on Solaris

From: Jesse Driver
Subject: Re: newbie question CVS on Solaris
Date: Fri, 4 May 2007 08:38:50 -0700 (PDT)

You're right. I am getting the following error in
/var/adm/messages each time I restart the inet daemon:
May  3 16:44:04 v480 inetd[6314]: [ID 965992
daemon.error] 2401/tcp: unknown service
May  4 10:32:14 v480 inetd[2890]: [ID 965992
daemon.error] 2401/tcp: unknown service

But I have defined the service exactly the way the
documentation says to do it:
>>root@v480:# grep cvs /etc/services
cvspserver      2401/tcp

>>root@v480:# grep pserver /etc/inet/inetd.conf
# cvs pserver daemon
2401 stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/bin/cvs cvs -f
--allow-root=/usrd71/local/cvsroot/CVSROOT pserver

--- Larry Jones <lawrence.jones@ugs.com> wrote:

> Jesse Driver writes:
> > 
> > >From the local system when I do a 
> > "telnet hostname 2401" I get the following
> response:
> > telnet: Unable to connect to remote host:
> Connection
> > refused
> That means that inetd is not listening for
> connections on port 2401, so
> there's something wrong with your inetd
> configuration.  Check your
> syslog for error messages.  If that doesn't help,
> you may want to run
> inetd in debug mode (see the man page for details).
> -Larry Jones
> Why is it you always rip your pants on the day
> everyone has to
> demonstrate a math problem at the chalkboard? --
> Calvin

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