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New improvements

From: Pablo G.F.
Subject: New improvements
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2002 17:52:02 +0200

I have developed some improvements for shred 4.0.35 like recursive 
mode,interactive mode and dereference links.


<   - Add -r/-R/--recursive
<   - Add -i/--interactive
<   - Add -L
< # include <string.h>  /* For memcpy, strerror */
> # include <string.h>  /* For memcpy, strerror, strcmp */
> # include <dirent.h>  /* For {open,read,close}dir, DIR and struct dirent */
> # include <errno.h>   /* For errno */
>   int interactive;    /* -i flag: Interactive mode */
>   int recursive;      /* -r flag: Be recursive */
>   int dereference;    /* -L flag: Follow symbolic links */
>   {"interactive", no_argument, NULL, 'i'},
>   {"recursive", no_argument, NULL,'r'},
>   {"recursive", no_argument, NULL, 'R'},
>   {"dereference", no_argument, NULL, 'L'},
<   -f, --force    change permissions to allow writing if necessary\n\
<   -n, --iterations=N  Overwrite N times instead of the default (%d)\n\
<   -s, --size=N   shred this many bytes (suffixes like k, M, G accepted)\n\
<   -u, --remove   truncate and remove file after overwriting\n\
<   -v, --verbose  show progress\n\
<   -x, --exact    do not round file sizes up to the next full block\n\
<   -z, --zero     add a final overwrite with zeros to hide shredding\n\
<   -              shred standard output\n\
<       --help     display this help and exit\n\
<       --version  print version information and exit\n\
>   -f, --force          change permissions to allow writing if necessary\n\
>   -n, --iterations=N   Overwrite N times instead of the default (%d)\n\
>   -s, --size=N         shred this many bytes (suffixes like k, M, G 
>   -u, --remove         truncate and remove file after overwriting\n\
>   -v, --verbose        show progress\n\
>   -x, --exact          do not round file sizes up to the next full block\n\
>   -z, --zero           add a final overwrite with zeros to hide shredding\n\
>   -i, --interactive    prompt before any wipe\n\
>   -r, -R, --recursive  surf through directories and wipe its files\n\
>   -L, --dereference    always follow symbolic links\n\
>   -                    shred standard output\n\
>       --help           display this help and exit\n\
>       --version        print version information and exit\n\
> /*
>  * Ask for a confirmation before any wipe
>  */
> static int
> do_interactive (char *name, struct Options const *flags,
> int descend, struct stat *dp)
> {
>    char c, word[17], k;
>    if (flags->interactive)
>      {
>        bzero(word,17);
>        /*This values were taken from 'man 2 lstat',*/
>        /*there they are in octal, remember it!*/
>        switch((dp->st_mode & 0x0000f000)>>12) {
>               case 0x01:
>                       strcat(word,"FIFO");
>                       break;
>               case 0x02:
>                       strcat(word,"character device");
>                       break;
>               case 0x04:
>                       strcat(word,"directory");
>                       break;
>               case 0x06:
>                       strcat(word,"block device");
>                       break;
>               case 0x08:
>                       strcat(word,"regular file");
>                       break;
>               case 0x0A:
>                       strcat(word,"symbolic link");
>                       break;
>               case 0x0C:
>                       strcat(word,"socket");
>                       break;
>               default:                /*Is this possible?*/
>                       strcat(word,"file");
>        }
>        if(descend) {
>                 fprintf(stderr,"%s: Descend into the %s called '%s'?",
>                 program_name,word,name);
>        } else {
>                 fprintf(stderr,"%s: Wipe the %s called '%s'?",
>                 program_name,word,name);
>        }
>        bzero(word,17);
>        return yesno();
>      }
>    return 1;
> }
<  * Finally, the function that actually takes a filename and grinds
>  * Finally, the function that actually takes a file and grinds
< wipefile (char *name, char const *qname,
<         struct isaac_state *s, struct Options const *flags)
> do_wipefile (char *name, char const *qname,
> struct isaac_state *s, struct Options const *flags)
<       if (errno == EACCES && flags->force)
<       {
<         if (chmod (name, S_IWUSR) >= 0) /* 0200, user-write-only */
<           fd = open (name, O_WRONLY | O_NOCTTY);
>       if (errno == EACCES)
>       {
>       if (flags->force) {
>               if (chmod (name, S_IWUSR) < 0) {/* 0200, user-write-only */
>                       error(0,errno,"error with chmod() on '%s'", name);
>               } else {
>                   fd = open (name, O_WRONLY | O_NOCTTY);
>               }
>       } else {
>               error(0,0,
>               "cannot wipe file '%s': bad permissions, try with 
> --force",name);
>       }
> }
> /*
>  *    Take a filename and surf into the directories
>  *    until find a file, then wipe it and go on
>  *    with another file.
>  */
> static int
> wipefile (char *name, char const *qname,
>         struct isaac_state *s, struct Options const *flags)
> {
>   struct stat dir_param;
>   DIR *anydir;
>   struct dirent *dir_ent;
>   char *new_name;
>   size_t thisisalen;
>   int stat_result, ret_val=0;
>   if (flags->dereference)
>     {
>       stat_result=stat(name, &dir_param);     /*Go for the file*/
>     } else
>     {
>       stat_result=lstat(name, &dir_param);    /*Go for the sym. link*/
>     }
>   if (stat_result<0)
>     {
>       if (errno==ENOENT)
>         {
>         error(0,0,
>         "cannot descend into %s: no such file or directory",name);
>         } else
>         {
>         error(0,errno,"error on [l]stat()");
>         }
>       return -1;
>     }
>   if (S_ISDIR(dir_param.st_mode))     /*What kind of file do we have?*/
>   {
>      /*Ok, we've got a directory*/
>      if (!flags->recursive)
>        {
>         error (0, 0, "'%s' is a directory, try --recursive.", name);
>         return -1;
>        }
>      /*Ask for descend into it*/
>      if (!do_interactive (name,flags,1,&dir_param))
>       return ret_val;
>      if (flags->verbose)
>       error (0, 0, _("wiping all entries of directory `%s'"), name);
>      anydir=opendir(name);
>      /*Read each directory item*/
>      while((dir_ent=readdir(anydir))!=NULL)
>       {
>         /*If it's not '.' or '..'*/
>         if((strcmp(dir_ent->d_name,".")!=0) &&
>            (strcmp(dir_ent->d_name,"..")!=0))
>           {
>             /*Length of the new path*/
>             thisisalen=strlen(name)+strlen(dir_ent->d_name)+1;
>             if ((new_name=malloc(thisisalen))==NULL)
>               {
>                 error (0,errno,"error with malloc()");
>                 return -1;
>               }
>             bzero(new_name,thisisalen);
>             strncat(new_name,name,strlen(name));
>             /*Copy all but the ending slash, if there's any*/
>             if (name[(int)strlen(name)-1]!='/')
>               {
>                 strncat(new_name,"/",1);
>               }
>             strncat(new_name,dir_ent->d_name, strlen(dir_ent->d_name));
>             /*Wipe the file*/
>             ret_val=wipefile(new_name,new_name,s,flags);
>             bzero(new_name,thisisalen);
>             free(new_name);
>           }
>       }
>      closedir(anydir);
>      /*Remove the directory itself*/
>      /*FIXME: Wipe the name of the directory*/
>      if(flags->remove_file)
>       {
>         if(do_interactive(name, flags,0,&dir_param))
>           {
>             if (flags->verbose)
>                error (0, 0, _("removing the directory itself: `%s'"), name);
>             while(rmdir(name)<0)
>               {
>                 if(errno==EACCES)     /*There's a problem w/ permissions*/
>                   {
>                      if (flags->force)
>                        { /*chmod() if we have to*/
>                          if(chmod (name, S_IWUSR)<0)
>                            {
>                               error(0,errno,"error with chmod() on '%s",
>                               name);
>                               return -1;
>                            }
>                          /*now we have to try rmdir() again*/
>                        } else
>                        {
>                           error(0,0,
>                           "cannot remove directory '%s': bad permissions,"
>                           " try with --force",name);
>                           return -1;
>                        } /*End of 'if (flags...'*/
>                   } else      /*There's another kinda of problem*/
>                   {
>                      error(0,errno,"error with rmdir() on %s",name);
>                      return -1;
>                   } /*End of 'if (errno==...'*/
>                } /*End of 'while (rmdir...'*/
>           } /*End of 'if (do_interact...'*/
>       } /*End of 'if (flags...'*/
>   } else
>   {
>     /*Lets go w/ a file*/
>     if (do_interactive (name,flags,0,&dir_param))
>       ret_val=do_wipefile (name, qname, s, flags);    /*Really wipe it*/
>   } /*End of 'if (S_ISDIR...'*/
>   return ret_val;
<   while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "fn:s:uvxz", long_opts, NULL)) != -1)
>   while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "fn:s:uvxzirRL", long_opts, NULL)) != 
>       case 'i':
>         flags.interactive = 1;
>         break;
>       case 'R':
>       case 'r':
>         flags.recursive = 1;
>         break;
>       case 'L':
>         flags.dereference = 1;
>         break;
>         /*FIXME: Should a 'do_interactive()' be here?*/

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