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Re: Why 'statement may have no effect' lint warning here?

From: Manuel Collado
Subject: Re: Why 'statement may have no effect' lint warning here?
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2021 09:45:48 +0200
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El 12/04/2021 a las 23:15, Arkadiusz Drabczyk escribió:
The following code produces 'statement may have no effect' when run
with --lint:

     var = 1
     var == 1 && var = 2
     print "var ==", var
The intent for that
warning is soemthing like:

        var = 1
        var == 2        # no effect

I see why lint would warn me in that case but I still don't understand
that part:
nothing is changed, that is value returned by == is not saved
anywhere but it's an expression, right? == operator returns either 0
or 1. That

     var = 1
     var == 2 && var = 3
     print "var ==", var

would print 1 because var == 2 is not true and `var = 3' would not be
executed. So `var == 2' has an effect because it effects the other
side of &&.

The lint warning is 'statement may have no effect'. The key part is the
'may' word. Just a hint that in some cases what the programmer wrote was
not what (s)he wanted.

A more elaborate example:

$ cat no-effect.awk
    var = "abcd"
    sub("a", "x", var) && sub("c", "y", var)
    print "var ==", var

    var = "abcd"
    sub("e", "x", var) && sub("c", "y", var)
    print "var ==", var

$ gawk --lint -f no-effect.awk
gawk: no-effect.awk:3: warning: statement may have no effect
gawk: no-effect.awk:7: warning: statement may have no effect
var == xbyd
var == abcd

At first sight the && expression looks like if both substitutions
should be made in all cases, but in fact they aren't. So a lint warning
makes sense.

Manuel Collado - http://mcollado.z15.es

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