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Announcing BREAKING news report wake up early for this

From: bug-gfe
Subject: Announcing BREAKING news report wake up early for this
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2006 20:18:38 +0900

Analyst's say, FOLLOW THE TREND. LOOKING FOR THAT POT OF GOLD? Then adieu until a week from to-day, when I will meet you here at this hour and bestow upon you the last three gifts which you are entitled to receive.
Your immediate attention to SGCP could pay off huge! Huge PR0FIT potential in Gold exists right N0W. Look at the numbers. Good-by! Good-by! repeated Rob, and in a gorgeous flash of color the Demon disappeared, leaving the boy alone in the room with his new and wonderful possessions.
A New Flight to Gold 9. The Second Journey By this time you will have gained a fair idea of Rob's character.
Despite the fact that the New York Mercantile Exchange was closed last Friday, gold bullion surged $9.60 to $638.60 an ounce in electronic trading. first.
Sierra Gold Corporation. Certainly,.
OTC:SGCP.PK declared.
In the past 30 days, it’s up $51.70. In the past year, it’s up $144.90. And since its low in April of 2001, it has surged $382.90. Rob,.
That’s a trend!! We are alerting you to this gold phenomenon! It's happening right N0W which is why we want to watch gold companies like SGCP early on! promptly.
The Next Home Run, Presents Quick Zeb, help me pull off these wooden wings! They tore off the wings, for which they had no further use, and the Wizard piled them in a heap just outside the entrance to the cavern.
Sierra Gold Corporation Then he poured over them all the kerosene oil that was left in his oil-can, and lighting a match set fire to the pile.

***OTC:SGCP.PK*** He is, in truth, a typical American boy, possessing an average intelligence not yet regulated by the balance-wheel of experience.
Current price, 0.12 cents The mysteries of electricity were so attractive to his eager nature that he had devoted considerable time and some study to electrical experiment; but his study was the superficial kind that seeks to master only such details as may be required at the moment.
Sierra's project is located in the fastest growing gold-producing region in the world The flames leaped up at once and the bonfire began to smoke and roar and crackle just as the great army of wooden Gargoyles arrived.
"the price of the precious yellow metal could soar to well over $1,000 per ounce, and eventually to more than $2,000 an ounce"(Money & Markets) Moreover, he was full of boyish recklessness and irresponsibility and therefore difficult to impress with the dignity of science and the gravity of human existence.
This prolific region has already seen past major gold productions. Do all indicators point to Sierra Gold being next to uncover a multi-mill. dollar discovery? Diamonds too? This.
At $500 per ounce, the property's potential value would be over $260 mill. announcement.
Resource potential could be in excess of 5OOK with significant areas of the property yet to be explored. Life, to him, was a great theater wherein he saw himself the most interesting if not the most important actor, and so enjoyed the play with unbounded enthusiasm, Aside from the extraordinary accident which had forced the Electrical Demon into this life, Rob may be considered one of those youngsters who might possibly develop into a brilliant manhood or enter upon an ordinary, humdrum existence, as Fate should determine.
Read the news and you decide! The creatures drew back at once, being filled with fear and horror; for such as dreadful thing as a fire they had and before known in all the history of their wooden land.
Sierra Gold Announces Results for Potential Gold Reserves Mr. Manke estimated the gold reserves to be approximately 520,000 ounces. At $500 per ounce, the property's potential value would be over $260 mill.. This report does not include the property's potential hard rock gold vein referred to by Hendrik Veldhuyzen's 43-101 report (2006) (see Oct. 2 press release). The hard rock area is situated in close proximity to the largest known hard rock gold vein in Sierra Leone. (Go online and read this N0W, this is a partial clip of the news) seemed.
Sierra Gold Corporation Discusses Pampana North's Hard Rock Gold and Diamond Potential (Go online and read about this) Just at present he had no thought beyond the passing hour, nor would he bother himself by attempting to look ahead or plan for the future.
Money & Markets said today: China Is Going to Corner The World’s Gold Market Yet the importance of his electrical possessions and the stern injunction of the Demon to use them wisely had rendered the boy more thoughtful than at any previous time during his brief life, and he became so preoccupied at the dinner table that his father and mother cast many anxious looks in his direction.
Over the next few years China is essentially going to corner the world’s gold market. In the process, the price of the precious yellow metal could soar to well over $1,000 per ounce, and eventually to more than $2,000 an ounce. Of course Rob was anxious to test his newly-acquired powers, and decided to lose no time in starting upon another journey. But he said nothing to any of the family about it, fearing to meet with opposition.

all the advice enclosed is prep dependent on knowledge the matter of the material appears to be trustworthy and more importantly something that could you could trust to depend on. the information once held in. will not be affirmed or endoresed as correct also you can't think this as a all inclusive. Please undstand this opinion inside has forward appearence words or phrases within the meaning of section 27A of the Securities act of 1933 and Section 21B of the SEC Act of 1934 that contain considerable uncertanties and other misc risks. BuyOr sell securities info purposes solely AND d0 not think this is an off er or add to by or sale security or st0ck This is a list of what we are not: licensed broker, broker dealer, market maker, in vestment banker, in vestment advisor,analyst or underwriter I would highly recommend speaking or making a simple call to a licensed broker. I would if I were you before you trade in any security, no payment has been made to us at this time but hopefully soon. c@ sh would be great.
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