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pdf2pdf resizing and margins?

From: lists
Subject: pdf2pdf resizing and margins?
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 2004 04:10:47 +0000
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) 3.2.2

Howdy --
I'm working on reformating some pdf file to submitt to a on-demand publisher.

Here's what I'm trying todo:

1. resize & recenter (i.e 8.5x11 -> 6x9 w/ 1/2 in margins & header footer).
2. Fonts; embed, change size & type(i.e Garamond)

Make next effort is modify the pdf2ps (pdf2pdf) script like this:

                -sDEVICE=pdfwrite \
                        "-sOutputFile=$outfile" $OPTIONS -c save pop -f "$1"

Then kicking it off like this:
pdf2pdf -g infile.pdf outfile.pdf

It resizes but doesn't recenter text?

David Jackson

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