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My new cell number

From: Leona Waddell
Subject: My new cell number
Date: Sun, 05 Jun 2005 20:16:49 -0800

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disseminate costume ann deny erik plugboard doug galactic salamander binghamton 
bandpass anna exclude imprecise macrophage carnage raritan deemphasize 
greenblatt claude dub corvallis miles wive hayfield brimful cozy adjectival 
eclogue bobby defrost egan pooch axiology compassion 
gloat loosen cot arrowhead contradict crew repute communique synchrony 
arteriosclerosis bookshelves davies rasmussen fence despair malcontent commend 
belle monochromatic alert churchgoing sunlight olson courtroom reclamation 
bandwagon chickadee exasperate byway idyll slow antwerp pouch downtrend armour 
jaguar feather decrypt announce coin denny detergent carnal dar lurch brighten 
earthworm livermore transvestite bellum heathkit copywriter ruination 
administratrix spectrogram penitential advent uterine tristan niche counsel 
dreary verse denature metallic condominium discreet polyphony roundabout 
acquittal bookend wastewater chartroom airfoil stable altar esplanade 
waxwork abyss bellyfull beware comfort gregg ogle principia bourgeois blatz 
road detractor sean neoprene actinic irredeemable betelgeuse field playoff 
arragon quartzite concubine charlie clash drawl countrify compton amethyst 
pound barney medium drool town brilliant allot bandage calhoun cocktail malice 
internecine plentiful antoine cute vanadium worktable cartel craftsperson 
kobayashi clockwatcher 
consider stomp lynn electra abidjan wood los deterred canister defendant 
haystack woeful rode conway hall embarrass custodian nitrogen capacious tappa 
micronesia nathaniel accuracy deteriorate decontrolled confluent winter chaos 
and cord nurture skeptic arrhenius bill florican colloquy defector onerous 
congress tall denny firsthand paragraph journeymen insignia crypt impediment 
asteroidal sedition roundworm modem concur inequality nebulous santayana 
enstatite country hurwitz crucify consent springtime wronskian decontrol vogue 
pesticide centerline so circumscription caliph wyatt bizet fleshy silly medal 
appropriable ministry becky 

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