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[bug-GIFT] classified ad

From: Sally Hahn
Subject: [bug-GIFT] classified ad
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 22:45:41 +0200

He sat for a moment with hiseyes half closed, watching the play of leaf shadow on the ground.
When I meet that youngIrishman in hell, I will kill him all over again! There was a new hope, almost a joyful atmosphere about the firesthat evening. Half-a-days march south of that city they were stripped of their shoes.
It was Salezars intention to sell these at El Paso and he did notwant them worn out.
And he had shotHidalgo last, on the last day of the month, at Chihuahua.
Now where is the little senorita whotossed me the flowers? Across the plaza the prisoners werejust entering the gate of the city cárcel . Heintended to die in his comfortable adobe house in New Spain. The currency was bright pebblesand grains of corn. On thebottom of his soles was a hard, shiny callous. She no longer believed every cheering thing hetold her, although she always responded.
No one since then had cared to raise the grito of revolution innorthern Mexico.
He becameparticularly attached to a little girl, Sadie Johnson, who had gonepainfully lame. It was only in the presence of prisoners that he felthimself to be superior. At San Miguel someof the charitable inhabitants supplied them with fresh bread.
He had already cross-questioned over a dozen prisoners and he felta little nauseated and trembling.
Hishuge hands, a surprising network of blue veins, lay relaxed uponthe arms of his chair.
He would be gladto confer so comfortable a mercy.
They passed through a vineyard and the priest swung open theunlatched door of his adobe dwelling. Perhaps, the kind of work they were needed to do was over?
The soldier snapped the lock and laughed.
There was no logical reason for their being thus dragged intoexile. She hadnothing to wrap about it but the thin remnants of her shawl andwisps of grass.
She sent for the barber and made a bargainwith him. On thebottom of his soles was a hard, shiny callous. For generations in Estremadura the family of Sancho had served hisown. Only a pious mind givento good works could be so originally thoughtful. There are old men, women, andchildren among them.
Their sufferings were indecent and various. It was Faiths impulse to drive straight back to the hacienda andbreak the news to Don Luis.
No, no, cried the prisoner, it is more than that!

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