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[bug-GIFT] whoa sympathy

From: Meredith Hurst
Subject: [bug-GIFT] whoa sympathy
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2006 17:00:26 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

Is it true that a hummingbird migrates by hitching a ride on the back of a goose? The bird has been found again, but its future remains uncertain. Bird song is heard frequently in classical music. In June, when birdsong is on the wane, many baby birds leave the nest. This call tells the male where his mate is, important as the pair stays together through much of the winter and spring. On a warm, sunny day, an American Robin sits on the ground, its wings outstretched and its tail splayed behind.
With its tail cocked at a jaunty angle, this small, brown wren presents us with a classic bird image.
Shrub-steppe is disappearing from the interior west as it is cleared for irrigated crops. On a warm, sunny day, an American Robin sits on the ground, its wings outstretched and its tail splayed behind.
Because frog-leg enthusiasts wanted these tasty morsels locally available. Where tall, shade-giving trees have been cut down to grow coffee in direct sunlight, what is also removed is the habitat tanagers require to rest and feed.
To entice a goldfinch to your yard, put out a thistle-seed birdfeeder. And they start singing young, learning their songs first from their fathers, just two or three weeks after hatching, and then from other males near the territories they themselves establish. Imagine covering those miles in the dark of night.
Two robin-sized woodpeckers excavate a nest hole.
The American Bittern, a member of the heron tribe, spends much of its time in the dense cover of the marsh. At this time of year, you may see young birds making their first forays outside the nest. Be still and blend in. Be still and blend in.
Coastal beaches and estuaries offer excellent resting and feeding stops for migrating shorebirds, some of which travel from Argentina to the Arctic and back, every year.
The ten-inch-tall Burrowing Owl is diurnal, most active during the day.

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