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Re: Feature request: allow specifying file extensions to ignore

From: Shigio YAMAGUCHI
Subject: Re: Feature request: allow specifying file extensions to ignore
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 2010 09:03:18 +0900


I agree with you.
How about allowing 'wild cards' in the skip list?
If you would like to skip files prefixed with '.#' then

        [gtags.conf or $HOME/.globalrc]

The 'wild cards' means '*' and '?' in /bin/sh.

> I have the misfortune of working with a build system where the compiled
> files are placed alongside the source files rather than a separate
> directory, and where C source files are preprocessed and the preprocessed
> output is saved in an intermediate file in the source directory. This means
> when I run global, because it indexes any text file it finds, that it's
> wasting time scanning the preprocessed output and not just the source file.
> Because global doesn't have a way to ignore specific file extensions, I
> don't have a way to prevent it from doing this. Additionally, sometimes
> generated source is kept in the source tree as a source of comparison
> against code produced by newer versions of a code generator, and I'd prefer
> that that code never get indexed, which could also be solved by being able
> to ignore extensions. Finally, global appears to look at files prefixed with
> ".#" which are my emacs backup files, which I definitely don't want scanned.
> These could all potentially be resolved individually, but it'd probably be
> easiest to just let users specify extensions for global to ignore.
Shigio YAMAGUCHI <address@hidden>
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