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[Bug-gnupedia] Peace In Our Time

From: Dan Geiser
Subject: [Bug-gnupedia] Peace In Our Time
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 20:48:52 -0500

Hi, Everyone,
I apologize in advance for the length of this posting as I was having trouble accessing my e-mail today (courtesy of Microsoft).

David Tanzer wrote:

> > on the email submission, we want the submission to be in xml, right?

> Yes. We need to define an easy structure in XML.

I like the decision to use XML as a submission format.

I can't reiterate this enough but, I truly dislike this idea. Assuming we honestly want to have an open submission policy the easiest thing for me to keep in mind when following that policy concept is "Can my Mom do this?". Brother, I'll tell you right now my Mom would NOT be comfortable submitting an article to an Free Universal Encyclopedia and Learning Resource (henceforth known as GNUFUEL) if she had to complete an XML form to do so. And I can imagine there's many people around the world who have no idea what XML is (and to tell you the truth don't really feel like learning) who could still make valuable contributions.

On a related note are we really expecting common people who just want to add to the database to generate Digital Signature's to be allowed to do so? If so I really have to disagree as well. By doing so I believe we are unintentionally eliminating people from the submission process.

The question of the internal structure of the repository is a large issue, but we it shouldn't overshadow the goal of starting the submissions process as soon as possible.

I DO very much agree with this. I think the number one priority of everyone who wishes to participate at this point should be channeling their energies to the article submission process.

Well, if you give space to my community and make all the necessary
modifications (license, etc) to fit RMS's announcement, I'll agree to
merge this project with Nupedia.

There seems to be a large point of contention on the subject of keeping 2 different projects under the GNUFUEL bannerhead, i.e. Nupedia and Gnupedia, or merging them right off the bat into one big project.

I personally don't care one way or the other but I haven't really heard any arguments which make good points about the validity of one position over another.

For those who are resisting the idea of one big project I hope it's not just because you prefer the idea of being on the groundfloor of the whole thing.

Jimmy Wales wrote:

*) Editorial policy (as we are differing already)
*) Technologies.

We will not be differing on either of those things, which is one
of the reasons that any meaningful distinction between the two
should disappear.

Many seem to want Nupedia to stay with their stricter editorial policy even though all signs say that Nupedia was getting readu to adopt many of the ideas which are currently being bandied about under the Gnupedia label on their own accord.

Dan Geiser <address@hidden>

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