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Re: [Bug-gnupedia] Content Format

From: Bob Dodd
Subject: Re: [Bug-gnupedia] Content Format
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 01:46:01 -0800 (PST)

> Nor do I see it as desirable. Yes, we should encourage authors. No,
> we
> should not support proprietary formats such as Microsoft Word. I have
> looked at TEI (a little) and agree that it looks like a very good
> format to use, and also has tools to translate it into HTML and TeX
> already.

What exactly *is* the problem with (widely-used) proprietory formats?
In the case of Word, most of the computer-literate world can, and does,
use its front end, and many more tools can import/export/read/present
Rich Text Format (including competing products) than will ever support
Latex or TEI source formats. Word also has the possibility of
style-sheets and macros/forms/templates (though I fully accept people
may not want Word macros anywhere near their PC) for collection of
article header information. I'm not saying that it would be my
preferred choice (though if it's between that and "raw" TEI, I'm pretty
sure which way I'd jump...) but I feel if we exlude Word as a content
source, we will significantly reduce the field of available authors.

It strikes me that well known, well supported formats should be
accepted. There is after all, no difference between a well known, well
supported proprietory format, and one developed by FSF: both can be
parsed. But we should also allow multiple formats for the same entry.
We allow for multiple languages, so why not allow multiple formats?
That way those of us who really want can always convert the article to
some non-borg format if we wish (manually, or by script). And in the
future, if better free input/proofing tools mean that we can make
stronger recommendations over format, that's great. But, let's be
honest, we're not there yet, and if we insist on "programming language"
style text input, or Emacs as our input tool, we will limit the field
of authors pretty much to those on this mailing list.

To give a real example. My dad writes articles on local North-East
England history for a magazine. He can just about cope with Word on his
Mac (the publisher gives him a style sheet and a template to work
from), but if he really had to (and someone would come and install the
software for him) he'd switch to another GUI based word processor. He
wouldn't be too keen on XML templates either, unless they really were
very simple, and even then, he'd probably screw up the </tags>.  And
you can just forget raw TEI.  He was very enthusiastic about the
encyclopedia though, and it would a shame to see people like him put
off posting entries because of zelotry against Microstoft and other
commercial companies on our part. If we're going to be a free
encyclopedia, we should try to be neutral in all things, including
content format.

/Bob Dodd

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