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lisp-mnt change request

From: Joe Casadonte
Subject: lisp-mnt change request
Date: 07 Dec 2001 20:01:03 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) Emacs/21.1

[Applies to changes made in 21.1.1 not 20.7.1]

I use `lm-verify' when preparing a lisp package for posting.
Currently, it checks to see that the Copyright holder is the FSF.
`lm-verify' would be better served (IMHO) by just checking for the
Copyright header, and not make it so that it has to be the FSF.  At
the very least this should be configurable.

Also, the Copyright header is not mentioned in the docs at the top.

Finally, the finder/keyword check could be a tad bit more descriptive
in its failure message, perhaps pointing to a list of acceptable/desired

Patches for the above attached if anyone wants to use them.  Changelog
entry could read something like:

2001-12-07  Joe Casadonte  <jcasadonte@northbound-train.com>

   * lisp-mnt.el (lm-verify) added non-fsf-copyright to argument list
     and conditional; changed keyword error message
   * lisp-mnt.el - changed documentation to add Copyright header

*** lisp-mnt.el.orig    Mon Jul  2 06:43:29 2001
--- lisp-mnt.el Thu Dec  6 11:12:16 2001
*** 48,53 ****
--- 48,62 ----
  ;;    Format is three semicolons, followed by the filename, followed by
  ;; three dashes, followed by the summary.  All fields space-separated.
+ ;;    * Copyright line --- Header line should be followed by a blank
+ ;; line, which is then followed by the Copyright line.  It should be
+ ;; in the format:
+ ;;
+ ;; ;; Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;;
+ ;; The Copyright line should be followed by another blank line, and
+ ;; then the Author line.
+ ;;
  ;;    * Author line --- contains the name and net address of at least
  ;; the principal author.
*** 417,428 ****
    (move-to-column col t)
    (apply 'insert strings))

! (defun lm-verify (&optional file showok verb)
    "Check that the current buffer (or FILE if given) is in proper format.
  If FILE is a directory, recurse on its files and generate a report in a
  temporary buffer.
  Optional argument SHOWOK indicates that \"OK\" be displayed in the temp 
! Optional argument VERB specifies verbosity."
    (let* ((verb (or verb (interactive-p)))
         (ret (and verb "Ok."))
--- 426,439 ----
    (move-to-column col t)
    (apply 'insert strings))

! (defun lm-verify (&optional file showok verb non-fsf-copyright)
    "Check that the current buffer (or FILE if given) is in proper format.
  If FILE is a directory, recurse on its files and generate a report in a
  temporary buffer.
  Optional argument SHOWOK indicates that \"OK\" be displayed in the temp 
! Optional argument VERB specifies verbosity.
! Optional argument NON-FSF-COPYRIGHT indicates whether a non-FSF
! copyright holder is allowed."
    (let* ((verb (or verb (interactive-p)))
         (ret (and verb "Ok."))
*** 457,463 ****
               ((not (lm-keywords))
                "Keywords: tag missing.")
               ((not (lm-keywords-finder-p))
!               "Keywords: no valid finder keywords.")
               ((not (lm-commentary-mark))
                "Can't find a 'Commentary' section marker.")
               ((not (lm-history-mark))
--- 468,474 ----
               ((not (lm-keywords))
                "Keywords: tag missing.")
               ((not (lm-keywords-finder-p))
!               "Keywords: no valid finder keywords (see 
               ((not (lm-commentary-mark))
                "Can't find a 'Commentary' section marker.")
               ((not (lm-history-mark))
*** 474,481 ****
                (format "Can't find a footer line for [%s]" name))
               ((not (and (lm-copyright-mark) (lm-crack-copyright)))
                "Can't find a valid Copyright")
!              ((not (string-match "Free Software Foundation"
!                                  (car (lm-crack-copyright))))
                "Copyright Holder is not the Free Software Foundation.")
--- 485,493 ----
                (format "Can't find a footer line for [%s]" name))
               ((not (and (lm-copyright-mark) (lm-crack-copyright)))
                "Can't find a valid Copyright")
!                 ((not (or non-fsf-copyright
!                                   (string-match "Free Software Foundation"
!                                                          (car 
                "Copyright Holder is not the Free Software Foundation.")


Joe Casadonte

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                       Live Free, that's the message!

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