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write-region fails with some filenames

From: Dominique de Waleffe
Subject: write-region fails with some filenames
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 11:08:39 +0100

This bug report will be sent to the Free Software Foundation,
 not to your local site managers!!
Please write in English, because the Emacs maintainers do not have
translators to read other languages for them.

In GNU Emacs 20.7.1 (i386-*-nt5.0.2195)
 of Tue Jun 13 2000 on buffy
configured using `configure NT'

Please describe exactly what actions triggered the bug
and the precise symptoms of the bug:

Trying to save or view a Mime attachment from VM I got the following

Signaling: (file-error "Opening output file" "invalid argument" 
  write-region(1 23553 
"c:/users/ddw/projects/portima/admin/Work2001-11.3,4.xls" nil nil)
  vm-mime-send-body-to-file(#<overlay from 1460 to 1534 in miscrit-mvb 

I believe the comma triggers the problem in write-region.


Recent input:
mouse-movement mouse-movement mouse-movement mouse-movement 
mouse-movement mouse-movement mouse-movement mouse-movement 
mouse-movement drag-mouse-1 down-mouse-1 mouse-movement 
mouse-1 down-mouse-2 mouse-2 down-mouse-3 C-a C-k ~ 
/ p r o j tab p o r tab a d tab return down-mouse-1 
mouse-movement mouse-1 down-mouse-2 mouse-2 down-mouse-1 
mouse-movement mouse-1 $ w M-p C-e return y menu-bar 
help-menu report-emacs-bug w r i t e - r e g i o n 
SPC f a i l s SPC w i t h SPC s o m e SPC f i l e n 
a m e s return n C-c ] escape [ C-x k return menu-bar 
help-menu report-emacs-bug

Recent messages:
Decoding base64...
Decoding base64... done
Launching cmd.exe /c C:/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office/excel.EXE...
Launching cmd.exe /c C:/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office/excel.EXE... done
Decoding base64...
Decoding base64... done
Entering debugger...
 [2 times]
Loading emacsbug...
Loading emacsbug...done
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