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INFO tree top needs more impressive lettering

From: Dan Jacobson
Subject: INFO tree top needs more impressive lettering
Date: 26 Dec 2001 15:17:25 +0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.1

Gentlemen, go to the top Info node, then type mEmacs and compare the
size of the title lettering you see.

It is obvious that the top Info node needs some giant letters too on
its first screen.  The small "This is the top of the INFO tree" just
isn't enough to drive home that we are really at the top, main,
starting point, welcome screen, whatever.  It feels like we are
somewhere in the sub basement along with the pipes and boilers.

By the way, I wanted to snarf up the letters "This is the top of the
INFO tree" with my mouse, but was prohibited, for some reason, as usual.
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