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Your Holiday web site is NOT being SEEN!

From: Important Message!
Subject: Your Holiday web site is NOT being SEEN!
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2002 04:50:01 +0200

 Your Holiday Web Site is


YOUR web site is NOT on many search engines and at the Bottom of their listings and as a result
YOU are LOSING customers who cannot find you!
Can this be changed? YES!
Regal Telecom
For ONLY £79.97
We will submit your web site to over 350 of the worlds search engines.
(see full list of Search Engines at the end of this document)
We will submit your site with the most effective meta tags and keywords.
(See our money back guarantee)
We know what the search engines are looking for.
How do we know? We look at the top five web sites in your category and use the same meta tags and key words that they use.
If it works for them it will work for you!
So YOUR web site can be
For Twelve Months! Guaranteed!
 (See our testimonials)
Think about it!
Just as you have a web designer to build your site and a company to host your site,does it not make sense to use a company that specializes in professionally submitting your web site.
Getting your web site FOUND and SEEN!
 A Shocking Fact!
Your web site designer and your host are NOT responsible for getting your web site seen!  Yes, they may submit your site to a few search engines periodically but to stay on the TOP of the search engines is an aggressive business.
Getting onto the search engines and at the top of their listings doesn't  just happen.
You have to be put there!
What the.Net, The Internet Magazine 8/2000 said:
"You have your web site designed and have sorted out the maintenance and waiting for the business to roll in, but there's one small problem.... No one knows!"
You need a professional company to do it!
Your Money Back
If you do not receive confirmation from the search engines that we submit your web site to, we will give you your money back! Guaranteed!
There is nothing to lose!
Some testimonials of those that have used
Regal Telecom
"This service is my secret weapon. I never believed it was possible to have such a rapid response." etvcom.tv
"I have been truly amazed by the results. I have received enquires from Austria, Hawaii, Spain and many different parts of Britain for my international real estate business. This is directly due to this service. I definitely recommend it!
Worth every penny!" keyhomes.net
"We run a Cancer Clinic and it is essential that our web site is submitted to as many search engines as possible. We are looking forward to having the capability to do online video conferencing and online diagnosis with our patients from many parts of the world. It is a real advantage to have the capabilities that
Regal Telecom offers." Mari Posas Cancer Clinic.
"We never received a single inquiry until we used Regal Telecom" noniuk.co.uk
To submit your web site all we need is your web site and  e-mail address.
We will do the rest!
Once we have submitted your web site you will receive a dramatic response by e-mail from search engines around the world confirming that you are listed on them.
 This will happen every month for the next year!
To Book our Service Simply
PRESS this
Button and we can begin submitting your web site to the worlds search engines today!
Then be ready for the response!
Within 24 hours your web site will begin to be submitted to over 350 search engines world wide and every month
 thereafter for the next year.
The results will astound you!
Most of your competition are unaware of the facts below!
This is to YOUR Advantage!
Web Site Facts
Remember "The Yellow Pages" Rule! 
 A search engine is like an enormous "yellow pages" with thousands of companies advertising the same product.  Unless you are near the front of the listing your chances of a customer actually seeing you is remote.  Unlike a literal yellow pages there is a way to move YOU to the front and also get you on all of the "Yellow pages" in the world.
What does it take to be seen on the
Search Engines?
Appreciate the Three Golden Rules

q Search engines do not pull up the web sites at random they use a specific method of search. Those that know them are the ones at the top, those that do not are buried at the bottom! 

q Your web site must be submitted to the search engines every month otherwise your site gets pushed off (Its a bit like a Ferris wheel, you get on and then after a while you are taken off unless you get another ticket and get back on).

q Understand the importance of Keywords, Meta tags, and Titles employed when submitting your site to the search engines! 

Use the right ones and you go up.

Get it wrong and you go to the bottom!

Some feel that it is enough to be on the large search engines.
Wrong! The problem is because of their sheer size most web sites get buried.  Having your web site professionally submitted can boost you up the listings of these larger search engines, so you can be found on them.  Also many people use the smaller search engines and if your site is professionally submitted your chances of getting to the top are greatly increased.
It is essential to be on them!
Having Regal Telecom expertly submit your web site every month to worlds search engines will give YOU the Advantage you need. 
 This can make the difference between new customers
FINDING your web site or NOT!
Be on ALL of these
Search Engines
 Excite, Altavista, Google, Hotboot, WhatUseek, Lycos, WebCrawler, NorthernLight, DirectHit, AlltheWeb, Pepesearch, Searchit, 
http://search.yell.co.uk   UK Directory http://www.yell.co.uk/yell/web/index.html
http://www.ukdirectory.com UK Plus http://www.ukplus.co.uk
UK Web TheBrit Index Media UK The UK Web Library http://www.scit.wlv.ac.uk UK Yellow Web  Whatsnew http://www.whatsnew.com/uk http://yacc.co.uk/britind
Demon Site of Sites
http://www.brains.demon.co.ukm http://www.mediauk.com/directory LookSmart http://www.looksmart.co.ukUK Cybersearch
http://www.cybersearch.co.uk UK/Ireland UK & Ireland http://www.altavista.telia.com
Austria Austrian Internet  Directory http://www.aid.co.at Intersearch
http://austria.intersearch.net Advalvas Yellow Pages http://yellow.advalvas.be
Le trouv'tout http://www2.ccim.be Webwatch http://webwatch.be Czech Republic
CZECH Info Center
http://www.icml.com Seznam http://www.seznam.cz Denmark
Dansk Web Index
http://www.web-index.dk Jubii http://www.jubii.dk France Carrefour
http://www.carrefour.net CNRS http://www.cnrs.fr ECILA http://www.ecila.frECHO http://www.echo.fr France Excite http://fr.excite.com Lokace http://lokace.iplus.fr Nomade http://www.nomade.fr Voila
http://www.voila.fr Wanadoo http://www.wanadoo.fr Germany Aladin http://www.aladin.de
AllesKlar http://www.allesklar.de  Crawler http://www.crawler.de
DINO-Online http://dino-online.de Excite Deutschland http://www.excite.de
Fireball Express http://www.fireball.de Flix http://www.flix.de Hit-Net http://hit-net.de
Hotlist http://www.hotlist.de Inter-Fux http://www.inter-fux.com Intersearch
http://www.de.intersearch.net Suchen http://www.suchen.de Lotse
Spain ELCANO http://www.elcano.com   Trovator http://trovator.combios.es
LATIN  AMERICA Argentina DNA Index http://www.iwcc.com Fiera http://www.fiera.com
GauchoNet http://www.gauchonet.com Bolivia Bolivia Web http://www.boliviaweb.com
Chile Chile Business Directory http://www.chilnet.cl Colombia Indexcol http://www.indexcol.com Que Hubo (The  Colombian Yellow  Pages http://www.quehubo.com Costa Rica Info Costa Rica http://www.info.co.cr Mexico
Mexico Web Guide
http://www.mexico.web.com.mx SBEL http://rtn.net.mx/sbel
YUPI http://www.yupi.com Venezuela Auyantepui http://www.auyantepuy.com
Venezuela Online http://www.venezuelaonline.com Yuada http://www.yuada.com.ve
NORTH  AMERICA Canada infoProbe http://www.infoprobe.net Maple Square
http://maplesquare.com Sympatico Hungary Heureka http://www.heureka.hungary.com
Italy Ragno Italiano http://ragno.plugit.net Search in Italy http://www2.crs4.it:8080
ShinySeek http://www.shinyseek.it Netherlands de Internet Gids http://www.markt.nl
Ilse http://www.ilse.nl Search.NL http://www.search.nl  SURFnet http://www.nic.surfnet.nl
Norway Eunet Norge http://www.eunet.no Nettvik http://nettvik.no ORIGO
http://www.origo.no SOL Kvasir http://kvasir.sol.no Slovakia
http://www.kio.sk Slovenia Slovenia Resources http://www.ijs.si/slo/resources
Sweden Excite Sverige http://se.excite.com Lycos Sverige
http://www.lycos.se Switzerland HEUREKA http://www.heureka.ch Netguide
http://www.netguide.ch Schweizer Home-page  Directory http://swisspage.ch
Swisscom http://www.swisscom.ch Swiss FirmIndex Online http://www.firmindex.ch
Swiss Web http://www.web.ch The Blue Window http://www.bluewin.ch Webdo
http://www.webdo.ch Turkey Dost Net Turish Web  Sites Directory http://www.dost.net
Yugoslavia Yu Search http://www.yusearch.com MIDDLE  EAST Isreal Maven http://www.maven.co.il Sivuv http://www.sivuv.co.il Start http://www.start.co.il
WALLA http://www.walla.co.il AFRICA Regional Africa Online http://www.africaonline.com
WoYaa!m http://www.woyaa.com South Africa Ananzi http://pub01.ananzi.co.za South Africa Online http://www.southafrica.co.za ASIA
PACIFIC Regional Asia Internet Plaza 
http://www.asia-info.com AsianNet http://www.asiannet.com Asia Online http://www.asiadragons.com Asiaville
http://www.asiaville.com GlobePage http://www.globepage.com SEA Quest http://seaquest.kusza.edu.my Search Dragon http://www.searchdragon.com
South Asian Milan http://www.samilan.com Australia AAA Matilda http://www.aaa.com.au
Alta Vista http://altavista.yellowpages.com.au Australia/New  Zealand Anzwers
http://www.anzwers.com.au Australia Aussie.com.au http://www.aussie.com.au
The Australian Internet  Directory The Australian Yellow
http://www.yellowpages.com.au LookSmart http://www.looksmart.com.au
Australian Internet  Directories http://www.sofcom.com/directories
Search Australia http://www.cowleys.com.au Telstra http://www.telstra.com.au
Web Wombat
http://www.webwombat.com.au Hong Kong Hong Kong Internet  Directory
http://www.internet-directory.com Hong KongWorld Wide
Web Database
http://mmlab.csc.cuhk.edu.hkn Timway Hong Kong  Search Engine
http://www.hksrch.com/searchengine.html India 123India http://www.123india.com
Khoj http://www.khoj.com Indonesia IndonesiaNet http://www.indonesianet.com/search.htm
Japan Dragon Next http://dragon.co.jp Hole-in-One (Excite  Japan) http://hole-in-one.com/hio InfoNavigator http://infonavi.infoweb.or.jp Mondou http://zagato.kuamp.kyoto-u.ac.jp Orions http://www.orions.ad.jp Stellar http://www.stellar.co.jp Watch
http://www.watch.impress.co.jp Korea Oomph! http://www.oomph.net Malaysia   Informative Malaysia http://www.infomal.com.my Malaysia Search Engine http://www.cari.com.my
New Zealand Access New Zealand http://accessnz.co.nz Search http://www.searchnz.co.nz
Singapore Singapore Unified  Internet Directory http://edge.com.sgSurfer's Edge
And Many More!

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