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Re: C-x d: don't make user have to retype misspelled dirs

From: Dan Jacobson
Subject: Re: C-x d: don't make user have to retype misspelled dirs
Date: 22 Jun 2002 07:52:08 +0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

Dan>     C-x d / v a r / l o <return> C-x C-r / v a r / l o <return> <return>
Dan>     Consider the treatment one gets on the first <return> vs. the second
Dan>     and third.  The former is like tough luck bub, whereas the latter is
Dan>     VIP helping environment warm & fuzzy.

RMS> Do you mean the fact that it creates a buffer named `lo'?

Huh?  You must have thought I typed C-x C-f.  Are you not actually
typing my examples and instead using estimating? <sniff, and I thought
he was infallible>

Anyway, the idea is make C-x d have aforementioned warm & fuzzy
treatment, not just C-x C-r.
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