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Dynamic Compile: CL Triggers Bug

From: TV Raman
Subject: Dynamic Compile: CL Triggers Bug
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2002 17:27:31 -0700

This bug is present in both Emacs 20.2 and Emacs 21.

If you use (require 'cl)
and define a structure using defstruct,
and if that file is byte-compiled with byte-compile-dynamic set to t
--then the automatically defined make- constructur throws an invalid 
syntax "#" error.

Attached are two files that demonstrate the problem:

test-1.el --byte-compile-dynamic is t --
test-2.el byte-compile-dynamic set to nil

To reproduce the bug:

0) Byte compile both files 
emacs -batch -q -f batch-byte-compile <filename>

Load test-1.elc and evaluate the form 
(make-test :a 1)
--this will give an error

Now, load test-2.elc and evaluate the same form --no error.

[ATTACHMENT /tmp/test-1.el, application/octet-stream]
[ATTACHMENT /tmp/test-2.el, application/octet-stream]

Best Regards,
T. V. Raman:  PhD (Cornell University)
IBM Research: Human Language Technologies
Architect:    Conversational And Multimodal WWW Standards
Phone:        1 (408) 927 2608   T-Line 457-2608
Fax:        1 (408) 927 3012
Email:        tvraman@us.ibm.com
WWW:      http://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/raman
AIM:      TVRaman
PGP:          http://emacspeak.sf.net/raman.asc
Snail:        IBM Almaden Research Center,
              650 Harry Road
              San Jose 95120

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