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Cannot resize font using MULE

From: ECulver
Subject: Cannot resize font using MULE
Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2003 15:36:57 -0500

Your bug report will be posted to the bug-gnu-emacs@gnu.org mailing list,
and to the gnu.emacs.bug news group.

In GNU Emacs 21.2.1 (i386-msvc-nt5.0.2195)
 of 2002-03-19 on buffy
configured using `configure --with-msvc (12.00)'
Important settings:
  value of $LC_ALL: nil
  value of $LC_COLLATE: nil
  value of $LC_CTYPE: nil
  value of $LC_MESSAGES: nil
  value of $LC_MONETARY: nil
  value of $LC_NUMERIC: nil
  value of $LC_TIME: nil
  value of $LANG: ENU
  locale-coding-system: iso-latin-1
  default-enable-multibyte-characters: t

Please describe exactly what actions triggered the bug
and the precise symptoms of the bug:

I was trying to resize the font in my emacs display using the menu
item "Options -> MULE -> SET FONT/FONTSET".

The window briefly enlarged (I was increasing font from 11 to 14
point), then returned to its original size.  This took less than 1 second.

No error window appears.  debug-on-error's value is t.

Recent messages:
Wrote c:/DEVELOPMENT_SOURCE/NEW/TV_Trend/cable.f90
No beginning-found. [3 times]
No beginning-found.
(No changes need to be saved)
No beginning-found. [5 times]
redundantly re-scanning buffer for index (0%)
redundantly re-scanning buffer for index (100%)
No beginning-found. [6 times]
Loading emacsbug...done

My current customization file is:

;;; Compiled by ECulver@EDWINC2000 on Fri Nov 03 10:31:48 2000
;;; from file c:/.emacs.el
;;; in Emacs version 20.7.1
;;; with bytecomp version 2.56
;;; with all optimizations.

;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.
; (if (and (boundp 'emacs-version)
;        (< (aref emacs-version (1- (length emacs-version))) ?A)
;        (or (and (boundp 'epoch::version) epoch::version)
;            (string-lessp emacs-version "19.29")))
;     (error "`.emacs.el' was compiled for Emacs 19.29 or later"))


(put 'set-goal-column 'disabled nil)
(put 'narrow-to-region 'disabled nil)
(put 'downcase-region 'disabled nil)
(put 'upcase-region 'disabled nil)
(add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'time-stamp)

;; load libraries for vb and bat file modes

(add-hook 'diary-hook 'appt-make-list);
(diary 0);
(setq appt-issue-message t);
(add-hook 'diary-display-hook 'fancy-diary-display);
(setq diary-list-include-blanks t);

(load "bat-mode");
(load "visual-basic-mode");

(setq font-lock-support-mode 'fast-lock-mode);
(setq auto-mode-alist (append (list (cons "\\.[Bb][Aa][Tt]\\'" 
'visual-basic-mode)) auto-mode-alist));
(setq auto-mode-alist (append (list (cons "\\.[Vv][Bb][Ss]*\\'" 
'visual-basic-mode)) auto-mode-alist));
(setq auto-mode-alist (append (list (cons "\\.[fF]77\\'" 'fortran-mode)) 
(setq auto-mode-alist (append (list (cons "\\.[fF][09][05]\\'" 'f90-mode)) 
(setq auto-mode-alist (append (list (cons "\\.[fF][Oo][Rr]\\'" 
'fortran-mode)) auto-mode-alist))
(setq auto-mode-alist (append (list (cons "\\.bat\\'" 'bat-mode)) 
(setq auto-mode-alist (append (list (cons "\\.dcl\\'" 'dcl-mode)) 
(setq auto-mode-alist (append (list (cons "\\.fi\\'" 'f90-mode)) 
(setq auto-mode-alist (append (list (cons "\\.inc\\'" 'fortran-mode)) 
(setq auto-mode-alist (append (list (cons "\\.js\\'" 'java-mode)) 
(setq auto-mode-alist (append (list (cons "\\.pl\\'" 'cperl-mode)) 
(setq auto-mode-alist (append (list (cons "\\.py\\'" 'python-mode)) 
(setq auto-mode-alist (append (list (cons "\\.sf\\'" 'fortran-mode)) 
(setq cperl-hairy t);

;; load dired-x extensions

(add-hook 'dired-load-hook
          (lambda ()
            (load "dired-x")
            ;; Set dired-x global variables here.  For example:
            ;; (setq dired-guess-shell-gnutar "gtar")
            ;; (setq dired-x-hands-off-my-keys nil)
(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook
          (lambda ()
            ;; Set dired-x buffer-local variables here.  For example:
            ;; (setq dired-omit-files-p t)

; (add-hook 'find-file-hooks 'auto-insert)

;;;  '(custom-file "c:/.emacs.el"))
;;; (message "setting custom set variables");

  ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom -- don't edit or cut/paste 
  ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
 '(abbrev-mode t)
 '(abbreviated-calendar-year t)
 '(add-log-keep-changes-together t)
 '(add-log-mailing-address "eculver@scarborough.com" t)
 '(all-christian-calendar-holidays t)
 '(all-hebrew-calendar-holidays t)
 '(all-islamic-calendar-holidays nil)
 '(appt-audible nil t)
 '(auto-compression-mode t nil (jka-compr))
 '(auto-raise-tool-bar-buttons nil t)
 '(auto-resize-tool-bars t t)
 '(auto-revert-mode nil t)
 '(auto-save-file-format t t)
 '(auto-save-visited-file-name nil)
 '(auto-show-mode nil nil (auto-show))
 '(auto-show-show-left-margin-threshold 0)
 '(automatic-hscrolling nil)
 '(backward-delete-char-untabify-method (quote untabify))
 '(battery-update-interval 999999)
 '(blink-cursor nil)
 '(blink-matching-paren-distance 100000)
 '(bookmark-use-annotations t)
 '(c-cleanup-list (quote (scope-operator)))
 '(c-default-style (quote ((java-mode . "java") (other . "gnu"))))
 '(c-echo-syntactic-information-p t)
 '(c-electric-pound-behavior (quote (alignleft)))
 '(c-hanging-braces-alist (quote set-from-style))
 '(c-ignore-auto-fill (quote (string cpp)))
 '(c-indent-comments-syntactically-p t)
 '(c-progress-interval 1)
 '(c-syntactic-indentation t)
 '(c-tab-always-indent t)
 '(calendar-holiday-marker (quote holiday-face))
 '(calendar-latitude 40.7 t)
 '(calendar-longitude -73.9 t)
 '(calendar-time-display-form (quote (24-hours ":" minutes (if time-zone " 
(") time-zone (if time-zone ")"))) t)
 '(calendar-today-marker (quote calendar-today-face))
 '(case-fold-search nil)
 '(change-log-version-info-enabled t)
 '(column-number-mode t)
 '(comment-column 73 t)
 '(compare-ignore-case t)
 '(confirm-kill-emacs nil)
 '(current-language-environment "English")
 '(custom-buffer-sort-alphabetically t)
 '(custom-magic-show-button t)
 '(custom-magic-show-hidden (quote (group option face)))
 '(custom-menu-order-groups nil)
 '(custom-menu-sort-alphabetically t)
 '(debug-on-error t)
 '(default-input-method "latin-1-prefix")
 '(diary-entry-marker (quote diary-face))
 '(diary-mail-addr "eculver@scarborough.com")
 '(direct-print-region-use-command-dot-com t t)
 '(display-buffer-reuse-frames t)
 '(display-time-24hr-format t)
 '(display-time-day-and-date t)
 '(display-time-format nil)
 '(display-time-mode t nil (time))
 '(ebnf-color-p nil)
 '(ebnf-debug-ps t)
 '(ebnf-iso-normalize-p t)
 '(ebnf-non-terminal-font (quote (8 Helvetica "Black" "White")))
 '(ebnf-non-terminal-shadow t)
 '(ebnf-non-terminal-shape (quote bevel))
 '(ebnf-terminal-font (quote (9 Courier "Black" "White")))
 '(ebnf-terminal-shape (quote bevel))
 '(ebnf-yac-ignore-error-recovery t)
 '(ediff-auto-refine-limit 1400 t)
 '(ediff-control-frame-upward-shift -4)
 '(ediff-forward-word-function (quote ediff-forward-word) t)
 '(ediff-grab-mouse t)
 '(ediff-ignore-similar-regions t t)
 '(ediff-make-buffers-readonly-at-startup t)
 '(ediff-merge-split-window-function (quote split-window-vertically))
 '(ediff-narrow-control-frame-leftward-shift 20)
 '(ediff-prefer-iconified-control-frame t)
 '(ediff-quit-widened t t)
 '(ediff-use-long-help-message t)
 '(eol-mnemonic-mac "[MAC]")
 '(european-calendar-style t)
 '(exec-path (quote ("c:/emacs-20.7/bin" "C:/Perl-5.8/perl-5.8.1/bin/" 
"C:/Python22/." "c:/utility/bin" "c:/utility/bin/vim/vim62" "C:/Program 
Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/Common/Msdev98/BIN" "C:/Program 
Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/DF98/BIN" "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual 
Studio/VC98/BIN" "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/Common/Tools" 
"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/Common/Tools/WINNT" 
"C:/PROGRA~1/MKSTOO~1/bin" "C:/PROGRA~1/MKSTOO~1/bin/x11" 
"C:/PROGRA~1/MKSTOO~1/mksnt" "c:/winnt/system32" 
"c:/progra~1/ghostgum/gsview" "c:/OPT-TECH/" "C:/Program Files/Windows 
NT/Accessories/" "C:/PROGRA~1/TCL/bin" "." "c:/emacs-20.7/bin" "c:/program 
files/adobe/acrobat 4.0/reader")))
 '(f90-auto-keyword-case (quote upcase-word))
 '(f90-beginning-ampersand t)
 '(f90-break-before-delimiters t)
 '(f90-break-delimiters "[      ]")
 '(f90-comment-region "!EMC")
 '(f90-continuation-indent -1)
 '(f90-leave-line-no t)
 '(f90-mode-hook (quote (f90-add-imenu-menu)))
 '(f90-program-indent 3)
 '(f90-startup-message t)
 '(fast-lock-cache-directories (quote ("~/.emacs-flc")))
 '(fast-lock-minimum-size 256000)
 '(fast-lock-save-events (quote (save-buffer kill-buffer kill-emacs)))
 '(fast-lock-save-others t)
 '(ffap-dired-wildcards "[*?][^/]*\\'")
 '(file-precious-flag t)
 '(font-lock-global-modes t)
 '(font-lock-maximum-size 1048576)
 '(font-lock-support-mode (quote fast-lock-mode))
 '(fortran-blink-matching-if t)
 '(fortran-break-before-delimiters nil)
 '(fortran-check-all-num-for-matching-do t)
 '(fortran-comment-indent-style nil)
 '(fortran-comment-line-extra-indent 0)
 '(fortran-comment-region "cEMC")
 '(fortran-continuation-indent 6)
 '(fortran-continuation-string "&")
 '(fortran-do-indent 3)
 '(fortran-line-number-indent 5)
 '(fortran-structure-indent 3)
 '(fortran-tab-mode-string "*T*")
 '(frame-background-mode (quote light))
 '(glasses-face (quote bold))
 '(global-font-lock-mode t nil (font-lock))
 '(help-highlight-p nil)
 '(highlight-wrong-size-font nil t)
 '(holidays-in-diary-buffer t)
 '(imenu-auto-rescan nil)
 '(imenu-auto-rescan-maxout 100000)
 '(imenu-max-items 10)
 '(imenu-scanning-message "redundantly re-scanning buffer for index 
 '(imenu-sort-function (quote imenu--sort-by-name))
 '(imenu-use-markers nil)
 '(inhibit-default-init nil)
 '(input-method-highlight-flag t)
 '(input-method-verbose-flag (quote complex-only))
 '(jit-lock-stealth-verbose t)
 '(lazy-lock-stealth-verbose t)
 '(line-move-ignore-invisible t)
 '(line-number-mode t)
 '(list-command-history-max 256)
 '(lpr-command "wordpad.exe")
 '(mark-diary-entries-in-calendar t)
 '(mark-holidays-in-calendar t)
 '(midnight-delay 600)
 '(mode-line-format (quote (#("-" 0 1 (help-echo "mouse-1: select window, 
mouse-2: delete others, mouse-3: delete ...")) mode-line-mule-info 
mode-line-modified mode-line-frame-identification 
mode-line-buffer-identification #("   " 0 3 (help-echo "mouse-1: select 
window, mouse-2: delete others, mouse-3: delete ...")) global-mode-string 
timeclock-mode-string #("   %[(" 0 6 (help-echo "mouse-1: select window, 
mouse-2: delete others, mouse-3: delete ...")) (:eval 
(mode-line-mode-name)) mode-line-process minor-mode-alist #("%n" 0 2 
(help-echo "mouse-2: widen" local-map (keymap (mode-line keymap (mouse-2 . 
mode-line-widen))))) #(")%]--" 0 5 (help-echo "mouse-1: select window, 
mouse-2: delete others, mouse-3: delete ...")) (which-func-mode ("" 
which-func-format #("--" 0 2 (help-echo "mouse-1: select window, mouse-2: 
delete others, mouse-3: delete ...")))) (line-number-mode (#("L%l" 0 3 
(help-echo "mouse-1: select window, mouse-2: delete others, mouse-3: 
delete ...")) #("--" 0 2 (help-echo "mouse-1: select window, mouse-2: 
delete others, mouse-3: delete ...")))) (column-number-mode (#("C%c" 0 3 
(help-echo "mouse-1: select window, mouse-2: delete others, mouse-3: 
delete ...")) #("--" 0 2 (help-echo "mouse-1: select window, mouse-2: 
delete others, mouse-3: delete ...")))) (-3 . #("%p" 0 2 (help-echo 
"mouse-1: select window, mouse-2: delete others, mouse-3: delete ..."))) 
#("-%-" 0 3 (help-echo "mouse-1: select window, mouse-2: delete others, 
mouse-3: delete ...")))))
 '(mouse-avoidance-mode nil nil (avoid) "This can be a really annoying 
 '(mouse-buffer-menu-maxlen 12)
 '(mouse-buffer-menu-mode-mult 5)
 '(mouse-sel-default-bindings nil)
 '(mouse-sel-leave-point-near-mouse nil)
 '(mouse-wheel-follow-mouse t)
 '(mouse-wheel-mode t nil (mwheel))
 '(msb-files-by-directory t)
 '(msb-max-menu-items 10)
 '(number-of-diary-entries [0 2 2 2 2 4 1])
 '(pc-selection-mode t nil (pc-select))
 '(print-circle nil t)
 '(print-continuous-numbering nil t)
 '(printer-name "C:/temp/tmp.txt")
 '(ps-even-or-odd-pages nil)
 '(ps-landscape-mode nil)
 '(ps-lpr-command "c:/Program\\ Files/Ghostgum/gsview/gsvw32.exe")
 '(ps-lpr-switches nil)
 '(ps-mode-paper-size (quote (612 792)))
 '(ps-print-background-text (quote (("'((\"E M Culver\"))'" nil nil nil 
nil nil nil))))
 '(ps-print-footer t)
 '(ps-print-footer-frame t)
 '(ps-printer-name t)
 '(ps-printer-name-option nil)
 '(ps-run-x (quote ("gs" "-r72" "-sPAPERSIZE=letter")))
 '(recentf-keep-non-readable-files-p t nil (recentf))
 '(recentf-mode t nil (recentf))
 '(regexp-search-ring-max 32)
 '(require-final-newline (quote ask))
 '(rmail-highlighted-headers "^From:\\|^Subject:" t)
 '(save-place t nil (saveplace))
 '(scroll-bar-mode (quote left))
 '(scroll-margin 2)
 '(sh-shell-file "c:/progra~1/mkstoo~1/mksnt/ksh")
 '(shell-completion-fignore (quote ("\"~\"" "\"%\"" "\"#\"" "\".obj\"")))
 '(shell-file-name "C:/PROGRA~1/MKSTOO~1/mksnt/ksh.exe")
 '(show-paren-mode t nil (paren))
 '(show-paren-ring-bell-on-mismatch nil)
 '(show-paren-style (quote expression))
 '(show-trailing-whitespace nil)
 '(speedbar-activity-change-focus-flag t)
 '(speedbar-directory-button-trim-method nil)
 '(speedbar-frame-parameters (quote ((minibuffer) (width . 30) 
(border-width . 2) (menu-bar-lines . 0) (tool-bar-lines . 0) (unsplittable 
. t))))
 '(speedbar-frame-plist (quote (minibuffer nil width 20 border-width 2 
internal-border-width 0 unsplittable t default-toolbar-visible-p nil 
has-modeline-p nil menubar-visible-p nil)))
 '(speedbar-hide-button-brackets-flag t)
 '(speedbar-indentation-width 3)
 '(speedbar-show-unknown-files t)
 '(speedbar-tag-hierarchy-method (quote (speedbar-sort-tag-hierarchy)))
 '(speedbar-tag-regroup-maximum-length 20)
 '(speedbar-tag-split-minimum-length 4)
 '(speedbar-update-speed 4)
 '(speedbar-use-images nil)
 '(speedbar-verbosity-level 2)
 '(tex-alt-dvi-print-command "lpr -d" t)
 '(tex-dvi-print-command "lpr -d" t)
 '(time-stamp-format "%f %:y-%02m-%02d %02H:%02M %u ")
 '(timeclock-modeline-display t nil (timeclock))
 '(tool-bar-mode t nil (tool-bar))
 '(track-eol t)
 '(track-mouse nil t)
 '(transient-mark-mode t)
 '(type-break-demo-functions (quote (type-break-demo-boring 
 '(type-break-good-rest-interval 120 t)
 '(type-break-interval 7200 t)
 '(type-break-keystroke-threshold (quote (2100 . 21000)) t)
 '(unibyte-display-via-language-environment t)
 '(uniquify-after-kill-buffer-p t)
 '(uniquify-buffer-name-style (quote post-forward-angle-brackets) nil 
 '(uniquify-trailing-separator-p t)
 '(vc-dired-terse-display nil)
 '(vc-initial-comment t)
 '(vc-make-backup-files t)
 '(vc-rcsdiff-knows-brief nil)
 '(version-control t)
 '(view-calendar-holidays-initially t)
 '(view-diary-entries-initially t)
 '(view-read-only t)
 '(view-remove-frame-by-deleting t)
 '(visible-bell t)
 '(which-func-mode-global t nil (which-func))
 '(which-func-modes t)
 '(which-function-mode t nil (which-func))
 '(whitespace-rescan-timer-time 0)
 '(woman-cache-filename "~/.wmncach.el")
 '(woman-fill-column 72)
 '(woman-fill-frame t)
 '(woman-imenu t)
 '(woman-use-symbol-font t))

;;;(message "setting custom set faces");
  ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom -- don't edit or cut/paste it!
  ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
 '(default ((t (:stipple nil :background "white" :foreground "black" 
:inverse-video nil :box nil :strike-through nil :overline nil :underline 
nil :slant normal :weight normal :height 115 :width normal :family 
"outline-courier new"))))
 '(border ((t (:background "dodgerblue" :weight extra-bold))))
 '(calendar-today-face ((t (:foreground "midnightblue" :inverse-video t 
:weight bold))))
 '(cperl-nonoverridable-face ((((class color) (background light)) 
(:foreground "brown4" :weight bold))))
 '(cursor ((t (:background "tomato" :foreground "AntiqueWhite"))))
 '(diary-face ((nil (:foreground "DarkRed" :weight ultra-bold))))
 '(ediff-current-diff-face-Ancestor ((((class color)) (:foreground "black" 
:background "paleVioletRed"))))
 '(ediff-current-diff-face-C ((((class color)) (:background "beige" 
:foreground "Navy"))))
 '(ediff-even-diff-face-A ((((class color)) (:background "AliceBlue" 
:foreground "Black"))))
 '(ediff-even-diff-face-B ((((class color)) (:background "AntiqueWhite" 
:foreground "black"))))
 '(ediff-odd-diff-face-A ((((class color)) (:background "PaleTurquoise" 
:foreground "black"))))
 '(fixed-pitch ((t (:family "courier"))))
 '(font-loc-kstring-face ((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground 
"navy" :background "old lace"))))
 '(font-lock-builtin-face ((((class color) (background light)) (:bold t 
:foreground "navy"))))
 '(font-lock-comment-face ((t (:foreground "darkgreen"))))
 '(font-lock-constant-face ((((class color) (background light)) (:bold t 
:foreground "navy" :background "alice blue"))))
 '(font-lock-function-name-face ((((class color) (background light)) 
(:bold nil :underline t :foreground "navyBlue" :background "#FFEEFF"))))
 '(font-lock-keyword-face ((t (:bold t :background "linen"))))
 '(font-lock-string-face ((t (:bold t :foreground "maroon4"))))
 '(font-lock-type-face ((t (:foreground "brown" :weight bold))))
 '(font-lock-variable-name-face ((((class color) (background light)) 
(:bold t :foreground "purple"))))
 '(font-lock-warning-face ((((class color) (background light)) (:bold t 
:inverse-video t :foreground "yellow" :background "Red"))))
 '(highlight ((((class color) (background light)) (:background 
"darkseagreen2" :foreground "black"))))
 '(holiday-face ((((class color) (background light)) (:background 
"AntiqueWhite" :foreground "BlueViolet" :underline "BlueViolet" :weight 
 '(makefile-space-face ((((class color)) (:background "linen"))))
 '(menu ((t (:background "linen" :foreground "navyblue"))))
 '(mode-line ((((type x w32 mac) (class color)) (:background "SkyBlue1" 
:foreground "black" :box (:line-width -1 :style released-button)))))
 '(mouse ((t (:background "tomato" :foreground "cyan"))))
 '(region ((((class color) (background light)) (:background "skyblue"))))
 '(scroll-bar ((t (:background "skyblue"))))
 '(sh-heredoc-face ((((class color) (background light)) (:background 
"beige" :foreground "black"))))
 '(show-paren-match-face ((((class color)) (:foreground "black" 
:background "lavender"))))
 '(show-paren-mismatch-face ((((class color)) (:background "yellow" 
:foreground "NavyBlue" :box (:line-width 2 :color "navyblue" :style 
released-button) :weight bold))))
 '(speedbar-button-face ((((class color) (background light)) (:background 
"#77ffff" :foreground "red" :box (:line-width 1 :color "#880000" :style 
 '(speedbar-directory-face ((((class color) (background light)) 
(:foreground "maroon" :slant italic :weight bold))))
 '(speedbar-file-face ((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground 
 '(speedbar-tag-face ((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground 
 '(trailing-whitespace ((((class color) (background light)) (:background 
"tan" :foreground "white"))))
 '(vhdl-font-lock-attribute-face ((t (:bold t :foreground "purple" 
:background "beige"))))
 '(vhdl-font-lock-directive-face ((((class color) (background light)) 
(:foreground "black" :background "linen"))))
 '(vhdl-font-lock-enumvalue-face ((((class color) (background light)) 
(:foreground "black" :background "#ffddff"))))
 '(vhdl-font-lock-function-face ((((class color) (background light)) 
(:bold t :underline t :foreground "maroon4"))))
 '(vhdl-font-lock-reserved-words-face ((((class color) (background light)) 
(:bold t :foreground "Orange4" :background "ivory3")))))

(message "$Id: .emacs.el 1.7 2003/10/07 15:37:36 culvered01 Exp culvered01 
$ loaded");

;;; $Log: .emacs.el $
;;; Revision 1.7  2003/10/07 15:37:36  culvered01
;;; added path for acrobat reader
;;; Revision 1.6  2003/10/07 15:21:33  culvered01
;;; minor, cosmetic changes
;;; Revision 1.5  2003/10/01 14:18:30  culvered01
;;; Modified variables related to shell
;;; Turned of whitespace highlighting
;;; Modified parenthesis showing
;;; Revision 1.4  2003/07/30 13:44:21  culvered01
;;; Modified ps options
;;; Revision 1.3  2003/07/28 15:35:40  culvered01
;;; Minor cleanups (removed worthless white space, blank lines, etc)

Recent input:
C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p 
C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p 
C-p C-p C-p <down-mouse-1> <mouse-movement> <mouse-1> 
C-a C-k C-x C-o C-x C-s C-p C-k C-x u C-x C-s <mouse-wheel> 
<mouse-wheel> <mouse-wheel> <mouse-wheel> <menu-bar> 
<index> "*Rescan*" <mouse-wheel> <mouse-wheel> <mouse-wheel> 
<mouse-wheel> <mouse-wheel> <mouse-wheel> <mouse-wheel> 
<mouse-wheel> <mouse-wheel> <mouse-wheel> <mouse-wheel> 
<down-mouse-1> <mouse-movement> <mouse-movement> <mouse-movement> 
<mouse-movement> <mouse-movement> <mouse-movement> 
<mouse-movement> <mouse-movement> <mouse-movement> 
<mouse-movement> <mouse-movement> <mouse-movement> 
<mouse-movement> <mouse-movement> <mouse-movement> 
<mouse-movement> <mouse-movement> <mouse-movement> 
<mouse-movement> <mouse-movement> <mouse-movement> 
<mouse-movement> <mouse-movement> <mouse-movement> 
<mouse-movement> <mouse-movement> <mouse-movement> 
<mouse-movement> <mouse-movement> <mouse-1> <menu-bar> 
<options> <mule> <mouse-set-font> <menu-bar> <help-menu> 

email:  culvere{withoutSPAM AT}acm.org

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