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Re: mouse wheeling beyond the end of the file

From: era
Subject: Re: mouse wheeling beyond the end of the file
Date: 27 Nov 2003 07:46:51 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) Emacs/20.7

On Wed, 26 Nov 2003 09:26:01 -0700, Kevin Rodgers <ihs_4664@yahoo.com>
posted to gmane.emacs.bugs:
 > Dan Jacobson wrote:
 >> Go to a file about two windows long and roll the mouse wheel,
 >> supposing that you have it configured.
 >> Notice how on the last page we can roll the text almost off the
 >> screen upwards, exposing large amounts of 'outer space' beyond the
 >> end of the file.
 >> By default we should be stopped from wasting our "wheel breath" like
 >> that.
 > How is that different than `M-> M-0 C-l'?

M-0 C-l is something you usually type on purpose. Scrolling the mouse
wheel past the end of file is something you will frequently do by
accident if you use a mouse wheel. Going past EOF doesn't really have
a sane use. [1] [2]

/* era */

[1] But of course, it should be made configurable so all the nutty
    purists out there can have it their way, too.

[2] Granted, I'm also not sure that mice have a sane use.

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