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what-cursor-position doesn't show the char's QP

From: Dan Jacobson
Subject: what-cursor-position doesn't show the char's QP
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2003 06:27:45 +0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.1002 (Gnus v5.10.2) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

C-x = runs the command what-cursor-position.
I used ^u C-x = to get even more info:

  character: 他 (0451755, 152557, 0x253ed)
    charset: chinese-big5-1 (Frequently used part (A141-C67F) of Big5 (Chinese 
 code point: 39 109
     syntax: word
   category: C:Chinese (Han) characters of 2-byte character sets   c:Chinese  
             |:While filling, we can break a line at this character.  
buffer code: 0x98 0xA7 0xED
  file code: 0xA5 0x4C (encoded by coding system chinese-big5-unix)
       font: -ETen-Fixed-Medium-R-Normal--16-150-75-75-C-160-Big5.ETen-0

But I was surprised that nowhere do I find listed the simple A5 L that I can
get here:
$ echo 他|qp-encode

Let's try a different char:
$ echo  我|qp-encode

again, none of what-cursor-position shows this.

Since it is one of the most common formats, what-cursor-position
should show it.

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