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*shell* fast and loose with what it sends to the shell

From: Dan Jacobson
Subject: *shell* fast and loose with what it sends to the shell
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 2004 08:24:04 +0800

Often in the *shell* buffer, the first letter or so of a command gets
stripped when sent to the shell:

08:04 fm$ dlocate -L gdal
08:10 1 fm$ locate: invalid option -- L
Usage: locate [-d path | --database=path] [-e | --existing]

Here I typed "dlocate" but it only sent "locate" to the shell.
This may be because I had been moving the cursor around lots, and have
a fancy shell prompt.

Sure, today was no big deal, but one day it will remove somebody's
almost completed masterpiece, etc.

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