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bug#2883: Emacs-w32 Bug-Reports for LENNART (patched) [WAS: 23

From: Lennart Borgman
Subject: bug#2883: Emacs-w32 Bug-Reports for LENNART (patched) [WAS: 23.0.60; yanking raw-text into mini-buffer causes crash]
Date: Fri, 3 Apr 2009 23:39:00 +0200

On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 7:40 PM, MON KEY <monkey@sandpframing.com> wrote:
> I recently screwed up a bug report sent to help-emacs-windows@gnu.org:
>  "23.0.60; yanking raw-text into mini-buffer causes crash"
> by somehow clobbering the operative bug description and details .
> In the wake of this report, I have received 2 (two) separate
> pejorative emails "informing" about the use of
> help-emacs-windows@gnu.org for filing bug reports when using the
> Lennart build of GNU-Emacs for w32 (patched). In lieu of these emails
> I suspect of having stepped into someone else's dog fight.
> _Someone please FORMALLY CLARIFY the correct protocol for following situation_

I feel a bit guilty so please forward any pejorative emails to me ;-)

I have tried to arrange bug reporting the best way I could but maybe I
have not been clear enough. If you are using the patched version to
send then it will go to help-emacs-windows@gnu.org (h-e-w) as you have
observed. In the beginning of the generated message there is this

  This is a bug report for the PATCHED Emacs+EmacsW32.
  Please test the unpatched version of Emacs+EmacsW32 before reporting
  if you can. If the bug is also in the unpatched version then
  report from the unpatched version else report here.

  If it is very inconvenient for you to try the unpatched version,
  but you believe the bug is not related to the patches then you
  may change the address above to emacs-pretest-bug@gnu.org

I think this is a reasonable way to handle the difficulties with the
bug reports for the patched version I distribute.

David, you are in charge of h-e-w, did we discuss this before? I have
forgotten. Since h-e-w is a low traffic list and those who use the
patched version might be interested in this list anyway I have
addressed the bug reports to this list. There are also very few bug
reports that are specific to the patched version.

> On that older Lennart build: Help > Send Bug Report ==>
> Generates a bug-report *mail* buffer with a field; TO:
> help-emacs-windows@gnu.org
> I therefor accepted this as the desired (and presumably previously
> agreed upon) protocol.

This is at least where I want you to send the bug report.

> Are the aforementioned behaviors of these Lennart builds incorrect?
> If so, _I_ am _NOT_ the only person whom needs to be politely informed
> of the correct means with which to file a bug report when using
> Lennart builds of Emacs-w32.

No, we all need that help for our first bug report in a new situation ... ;-)

> *** FWIW: The cruxt of _my_ user error involved me kill/pasting from
> Emacs' bug-report *mail* buffer into a gmail web-interface and hitting
> send without checking that everything was yanked/copied correctly.

Did you notice that there is a little program called gAttach that can
make gmail:s web interface act as the default mail client on w32?

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