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bug#1993: 23.0.60; Emacs.app has only transparent window background

From: Peter Dyballa
Subject: bug#1993: 23.0.60; Emacs.app has only transparent window background
Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2009 16:35:00 +0200

Am 06.04.2009 um 06:25 schrieb Adrian Robert:

IMHO Command is too heavily used on the Mac to simply throw under the bus by default -- the very user who will like emacs or uses it on other platforms is exactly the one already using cmd-shortcuts in other apps on the Mac. Further, "traditionalists" are most prepared to get their hands dirty and set up a command=meta mapping if they want it. Whereas a less savvy, single-platform user coming to Emacs.app from Text Edit, XCode, etc. will be most at home with command=super and alt=alt. As they learn emacs more, they can make their own decision about which key to give up for meta if they dislike esc+.

I wouldn't mind if command=super by default – provided some key bindings are reserved for Mac OS X (copy, paste, maximise/minimise, hide/unhide, maybe also new frame and preferences/customisation), a three button can be emulated, and the standard Meta key bindings of GNU Emacs are also available as super key bindings (for example M-g g/ M-g M-g, which collides with s-g, isearch-repeat-forward).



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