From: Bostjan Vilfan<>
Subject: 23.1; Not all buffers showing in Buffers menu bar list
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I have noticed several times that under certain circumstances file buffers do
not show up in the "Buffers" menu bar list. I am not sure I can describe all
circumstances in which this occurs, but one is definitely reproducible:
If I write on the terminal
emacsclient --no-wait<file 1> <file 2>
only<file 1> is visible in the Buffers list while<file 2> is listed only
after pressing "List all buffers" (C-x C-b). I might add that the terminal
command "emacsclient --no-wait<file 1> ; emacsclient --no-wait<file 2>"
includes both files in the Buffers list. This behavior persists even if I
invoke emacs with the -q command line option, thus excluding the influence
of my customizations. Even if this behavior is not a bug, in my opinion it
should be changed.
I might add that this exact behavior is observable in the Windows version of
emacs 23.1 as well.