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bug#7330: 24.0.50; Gnus: Symbol's function definition is void

From: Rares Vernica
Subject: bug#7330: 24.0.50; Gnus: Symbol's function definition is void
Date: Thu, 04 Nov 2010 14:59:14 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.0.50 (usg-unix-v)


I updated to the latest emacs version from bzr on November 4. I compiled
it and it seems to work fine except for Gnus. I get an error when I try
to open any of the Gnus groups.

M-x emacs-version:
GNU Emacs (sparc-sun-solaris2.10, X toolkit) of 2010-11-04

I open Gnus and it checks for new emails. Everything works fine and all
the groups are displayed. When I try to enter a group I get the flowing
error message:

insert: Symbol's function definition is void: gnus-user-format-function-b

M-x toggle-debug-on-error:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function gnus-user-format-function-b)
  (gnus-user-format-function-b gnus-tmp-header)
  (insert (gnus-user-format-function-b gnus-tmp-header) gnus-tmp-unread 
gnus-tmp-replied gnus-tmp-score-char gnus-tmp-indentation)
  (progn (insert (gnus-user-format-function-b gnus-tmp-header) gnus-tmp-unread 
gnus-tmp-replied gnus-tmp-score-char gnus-tmp-indentation) 
(gnus-put-text-property (point) (progn (insert (format "%c%4s: %-20s%c" 
gnus-tmp-opening-bracket gnus-tmp-lines (let* ((val ...) (need ...)) (if (> 
need 0) (concat nil val ...) val)) gnus-tmp-closing-bracket)) (point)) 
gnus-mouse-face-prop gnus-mouse-face) (insert " " gnus-tmp-subject-or-nil "\n"))
  eval((progn (insert (gnus-user-format-function-b gnus-tmp-header) 
gnus-tmp-unread gnus-tmp-replied gnus-tmp-score-char gnus-tmp-indentation) 
(gnus-put-text-property (point) (progn (insert (format "%c%4s: %-20s%c" 
gnus-tmp-opening-bracket gnus-tmp-lines (let* ((val ...) (need ...)) (if (> 
need 0) (concat nil val ...) val)) gnus-tmp-closing-bracket)) (point)) 
gnus-mouse-face-prop gnus-mouse-face) (insert " " gnus-tmp-subject-or-nil 
  gnus-summary-prepare-threads((([ ... emails list ... ])))
  gnus-summary-read-group-1("nndraft:drafts" nil t nil nil nil)
  gnus-summary-read-group("nndraft:drafts" nil t nil nil nil nil)
  gnus-group-read-group(nil t)
  call-interactively(gnus-group-select-group nil nil)

This might also be related. If I have BBDB enabled I get the following
error message when Gnus starts:

Symbol's function definition is void: bbdb-insinuate-gnus

I had to disable BBDB in order to get emacs to load.


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