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bug#7373: `set-cursor-color’ doesn’t work on Emacs init files

From: Li Zhai
Subject: bug#7373: `set-cursor-color’ doesn’t work on Emacs init files
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2010 10:03:26 +0800

"What is the value of “red”?" I don't understand.

Here is the specific description:

1. Empty the .emacs file.
2. Add the following codes to the .emacs

(setq initial-frame-alist
      '((foreground-color . "grey80")
        (background-color . "black")
        (background-mode . dark)
        (cursor-color     . "red")))
(setq default-frame-alist
      '((foreground-color . "grey80")
        (background-color . "black")
        (background-mode  . 'dark)
        (cursor-color     . "red")))

(set-cursor-color "red")

These code is supposed to change the background color to black and the
cursor color to red. And these code works fine on the emacs 23.2.

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