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bug#7408: Linux patchutils: Development of the project?

From: Jari Aalto
Subject: bug#7408: Linux patchutils: Development of the project?
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2010 23:25:25 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110011 (No Gnus v0.11) Emacs/23.2 (gnu/linux)

Glenn Morris <rgm <at> gnu.org>
> subr.el has had a dolist definition since at least Emacs 21.x; ie 9 years.
> Therefore this cannot be a major issue in practice.

In my book it is still a bug, no matter how many years ago this bug were

    - To have two different implementations of same function.
    - To not be able to rely on uniform behavior.


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